(no subject)

Jul 27, 2006 01:08

Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)
Even the messiest of circumstances will smooth themselves out, without too much effort on your part. A potential conflict that appeared to be heading toward showdown can be effectively averted. It's not that all your problems will just disappear. More likely, the clouds in the sky will dissipate and you can remember what the sunshine feels like, so enjoy the good times as they come. You'll need to return to the more serious work soon enough.

That is so right, it's not funny. James and I had our 1 month today. We took the metro into downtown. Went to cartel, and met up with Zak. >.>; We had fun and blah blah blah. Then, we left for Faces, which was in East Saint Louis. We got lost, like hardcore lost. Then some guy asked to bum a cigarette from James, and he gave him one. Then, he asked what two gay white guys were doing downtown. We were both obviously trying to be scared, so we wouldn't scare the other one. We could have literally been killed. It was late, nobody knew where we were, and we were seeing a lot of shady people in a horrible part of town. Well, for five bucks, this guy took us to Faces, and made sure nobody would fuck with us. We couldn't afford to get in, so we just left and came home. Then we came home and took fun pictures. I'd post, but if you really wanna see 'em, go to MySpace. =P

So, it's right. A potentially terrible line of events turned out very good. ^^
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