Aug 11, 2008 11:33
so i was once again lazy and slept in rather than getting up to run, but i feel i was justified. not only did i work my ass off this weekend [painting etc yesterday and yardwork on saturday- mowing a lawn with a 40 degree incline is a bitch] but it is now that wonderful time of month and i woke up this morning with a headache and cramps. working out was not going to happen. but i've got keeper stuff tonight, so i won't be a complete bum all day.
in other news, i now have enough books to keep me happily occupied until christmas, or possible longer, since i don't read that much during the semester. i'm in the middle of one book [and it's fantastic] and i've also got the sequel to it, and then i've bought 3 others in the past week. i'll probably finish ink and steel and hell and earth before school starts up, but i'll have the others to read through the semester. yay! :)
also, a [random] word of warning: post trail mix crunch is not as fantastic as it would like you to believe. it looks yummy on the commercial and on the box and then you pour it into a bowl...and face disappointment. not nearly enough yummy granola clusters. and it gets soggy in like 3 seconds and turns into mush with raisins and almond slices. not even yummy mush. gah. DO NOT BE FOOLED! >:O