Living in the Stone Age

Sep 25, 2013 19:03

Gah! I migrated to Samsung for my phone 17 months ago. Best move ever. Kept my old iPhone to use as my iPod. Today my Samsung refused to start for me. I tried everything. It's a software bug on one of the apps I downloaded recently that has killed my phone. Only way to fix it is to flash it. ie: remove everything and return it to its original condition. Which means I lose music. Photos. Videos. M/M Books. PDFs of favourite fics. Bookmarks. Did I mention the pictures? But it's the only option... So I'm reduced to using my old iPhone and its a brick compared to the galaxy Note. Which was a fabulous piece if kit. Oh I'm so stressed over this-I power walked 2 miles to repair shop and 2 miles back during my lunch break-almost doing violence to dumb people that got in my way. Hopefully my note will be returned to me tomorrow... But the 1500+ photos of J2? Most likely gone. That'll learn me not to finish setting up Dropbox

via ljapp

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