O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree, how lovely are your branches...

Dec 08, 2008 21:57

Well that was fun.

Decided on the spur of the moment to start putting up the Christmas tree.  Sooooo, I dragged it out of the spare room and started assembling it.  Which was relatively straight forward.  The real fun began when we tried to decorate it, after Dad came home from work.  We got the lights out and found they'd wound themselves into this bloody great....bloody...mess.

Dad and I start trying to unwind them. 
Dad and I find that they don't want to be unwound. 
Dad starts throwing a strop out of frustration.
Self tells him to go away and calm down.  He does so,
We finally succeed in untangling the lights and putting them on the tree.

The rest of the decorating went without too much trouble.  Only I've just looked at the tree and realized the fucking thing's squint.

Fuck it.

I need to go to bed.

tree, christmas

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