Jul 01, 2004 01:25
im eating spaghetti O's and they're really nasty, but im gonna continue eating them anyway...ew one just got caught in my lip ring, damn i almost choked on one too. i could have died.
anyway yeah, things in general are good. except the alone kinda felling is still there. its cuz for some reason i feel the need to have a "best friend" but enough of that. i have people i trust and i might have told them but im not sure if i did tell them cuz its kinda hard to say stuff to people but yeah theres a few people i know i can trust and i love them =]
also brittny and jeff are kinda weird they're all like "yay hookahs"
and growing plants, FUCK that...shes not putting that shit in my room i dont want to have anything to do with the growing of her and jeffs plant.
so i said,"yall want a single say fuck that,
fuck that, fuck that"