Empty? What is "empty" exactly?

May 24, 2007 08:37

Last night I called home to let my parents know that I would going over to Chris's to watch my shows and wouldn't be home til much later (11:00 or so). My Mom chided me...AGAIN...about buying cat food. She and I have had one or two conversations about me waiting too long to buy more food for the cats. I admit, I always wait until the bag is empty to buy more. I feed them the last of it then get more at the store that day in order to feed them dinner later that night. This sort of plan does not sit with well with my Mom. She's of the opinion that I should always have more on hand, just in case. So, last night we had yet another conversation about the cat food.

Mom: There's none left! Dad fed them and said the bag was EMPTY!!!

I was in disbelief.

Me: How can that be true? When I fed them this morning there was plenty left in the bag.
Mom: Talk to Dad!

Sigh. Talking to my Dad about anything on the phone is very difficult. It's very hard for him to hear and he often misinterprets what it is you are saying.

Dad: What's going on? What do you need?
Me: Mom said you said the cat food was empty?
Dad: Ohhh! Well, it's almost empty.
Me: Okay, Dad, thank you. Please put Mom back on the phone.

I told her I would pick up more food before coming home. Last night, when I got home, I checked the bag of food. What do you think I found in it? More than enough food to last them until early next week. I get that she doesn't want the cats to run out of food. I really do understand. I just don't like being manipulated and lied to about it.


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