Dec 02, 2004 23:05
I had so much to say but I can't seem to bring myself to write about it.
So I guess I'll just get this off my chest and leave it at that.
Monday night before cooking something to eat, I clean up the kitchen. I look out into the living room and notice my brother sitting on the couch with a coffee table full of plates and fast food bags and dr pepper cans piled up. So if he can't take the trash to the trash can, I'll bring the trash can to the trash. I walk the trash can over there and sit it next to the coffee table. He makes a sigh and then starts to fill it with random items but never gets all of it off the table. It is now Thursday night at 11:03 pm and where is the trash can? Still sitting next to the half cleaned off coffee table. The damn slob couldn't even put the trash can back in it's place. I'm so sick and tired of living with the biggest slob on the planet!!! Calgon take me away.