My tweets

Apr 23, 2023 16:12

  • Sat, 18:04: RT @ MikeDrucker: There’s a deep sadness to being wealthy beyond imagination but desperately needing to make up a world in which you’re stil…
  • Sat, 18:04: RT @ dril: Ah they got me. Im fucked
  • Sat, 18:04: RT @ SamFacto: Each era of twitter is first preceded by a nigh prophetic dril tweet and you never can tell which one it’ll be but it is real…
  • Sat, 18:04: RT @ Chuuurls: I was making a sketch for a commission sheet and realized there is no possible way for me to further perfect this. None. Anyw…
  • Sat, 18:05: RT @ Chuuurls: You could also get a not-so-budget comm using extant formats:
  • Sat, 18:05: RT @ Chuuurls: Here also is a very quickie link to my google doc menu, which is somewhat defunct in terms of examples being kinda old but is…
  • Sat, 18:05: RT @ halomancer1: reminder that if too many elon paypigs block you, twitter will deboost your account, giving you an incentive to #BlockTheB
  • Sat, 18:06: RT @ ThilanKristre: poll ended, Alphinaud won the poll but the consensus in my FC is that it's Alisaie everyone who commented to say both:…
  • Sat, 18:06: RT @ ThilanKristre: my personal take is that it's funniest if everyone knows that one of them is trans but no one knows which one and asking…
  • Sat, 22:02: RT @ VoidBurger: I'm on this!! Chip is also gonna be doing a really fun gimmick where when he dies in Ganon attempts, he does a roulette whe…
  • Sat, 22:08: RT @ LeftAtLondon: cw sui mention never heard of lowtax b4 elon bought twitter & now i hear his name often. Imagine buying a social media c…
  • Sat, 22:52: RT @ JeffGrubb: This child can send men to die
  • Sat, 22:53: RT @ felghanas: I want to talk about our criterion dancer’s food macro
  • Sat, 22:58: RT @ prettypinkpansy: this is literally what it's like to have a heart issue and you don't realize something has caffeine in it
  • Sat, 22:59: RT @ doridraws: HAPPY EARTH DAYYYYYY remember that 100 companies are responsible for over 70% of global emissions and largely contribute to…
  • Sat, 23:13: RT @ SY4NY0_D: 나 빛전과 제노스의 이 연출 엄청 좋아해... <<창천의 이슈가르드6번 / 칠흑의 반역자 9번>> 막강한 힘과 의지는 인간과 동떨어져서 괴물, 미지의 존재처럼 보일 정도로 이를 목도한 자들을 공포에 질리게 하는 씬들...…
  • Sat, 23:14: RT @ fadamniel: lrt besties are horrifying unknowable cryptids cast in dramatic shadow together prior to murder - zenos, probably
  • Sat, 23:41: RT @ Nash076: Note an easy way to get around the Blue Blocker extension blocking people Musk is forcing the checkmark on is to simply follow…
  • Sat, 23:41: RT @ PAMaster2: Can't believe glup shitto died when lizzo used her telekinetic powers to fling him into low orbit around Plazir-15
  • Sun, 13:59: RT @ Dreamboum: Square Enix's AI Tech preview being inserted into the Japanese classic "Portopia Serial Murder Case" is a bust. The AI is s…
  • Sun, 13:59: RT @ Dreamboum: One of the most influential Japanese classic of our time by the creator of Dragon Quest is now stuck in a subpar AI project…
  • Sun, 13:59: RT @ Dreamboum: bruh this is not AI, you have to talk to your sidekick and he doesn't say shit that isn't pre-defined. You can even bring up…
  • Sun, 13:59: RT @ Dreamboum: You can see on the left the kind of prompts the model expects, but type any other sentence that has similar meaning but isn'…
  • Sun, 13:59: RT @ Dreamboum: The game is 10GB so I think they just literally install their model on your computer locally instead of an actual learning m…
  • Sun, 14:00: RT @ Dreamboum: The issue is that you get the first official western release of Portopia that is ugly as hell and its backgrounds are just u…
  • Sun, 14:00: RT @ Dreamboum: Something went wrong with this project, the GDC talk of this technology shows it's supposed to deliver dynamic answers and n…
  • Sun, 14:00: RT @ foxfeather: People often ask me if I can tell my emus apart, and if so how. There's a lot of ways they differ, but they all have very d…
  • Sun, 14:00: RT @ punished_cait: me in the replies of every shitty tweet on here blocking blue checks bc he forced all their replies to the top and now i…
  • Sun, 14:00: RT @ Coelasquid: Haha I wrote this bit
  • Sun, 14:00: RT @ Coelasquid: Right after when they’re dragging Tim through the tunnel that was where I had him muttering in his sleep about joining MLM,…
  • Sun, 14:00: RT @ Coelasquid: Basically if a person gets incapacitated somehow you need to show “signs of life” immediately after so kids know they aren’…
  • Sun, 14:00: RT @ panstasz: About this week's update (yeah, it's coming!): if I were to make some extra custom content to showcase how easy it is to mod…
  • Sun, 14:01: RT @ suba_rashii: hm. ps1 polygon zenos
  • Sun, 14:01: RT @ bisection: 十分有幸能在Nao桑(@ nato_mitsu)的DOD3寫真集裡插花,也努力當惹圓夢小天使認真畫了米寶和中指零姐www(?) Nao桑的DOD3系列真的是我看過最神最喜歡的惹,有機會入手這本滿滿美照的寫真集我超快樂了,真的非常感謝邀稿🫰🥺 http…
  • Sun, 14:07: RT @ ruinetsel: ...he will see the blood on the top and sides of the doorframe and will pass over that doorway, and he will not permit the d…
  • Sun, 14:26: RT @ mattbpete: Hugo Chavez, dead since 2013, has been verified by Twitter.
  • Sun, 14:26: RT @ Gen_Ironicus: 1) Microwaves take the flavor out of food 2) Flavors are caused by chemicals interacting with receptors on your tongue 3)…
  • Sun, 14:32: RT @ DanaruLP: Why in the hell was I not allowed to Riichi this last turn
  • Sun, 14:32: RT @ m_d_c_t: @ DanaruLP Likely a Yakuza home rule or automated system thing, because the only time in riichi mahjong you should be disallowe…
  • Sun, 15:05: RT @ sebmal: The Mareepathon is still going strong! We have at least 12 hours left to go, more with your donations! We hit a second 10000, c…
  • Sun, 15:06: RT @ broderick: I have seen A LOT of Twitter Blue users with under 100 followers. Which, to me, means you have no real community here and po…
  • Sun, 15:06: RT @ boxofhamsters: opening up 3 $200 commission slots today. full color, fully rendered. will draw virtually any subject so long as referen…
  • Sun, 15:06: RT @ Gaby_Moss: novels are so great. novels are like "i made up a little weirdo. oh no, now he's in trouble!"
  • Sun, 15:07: RT @ spacetwinks: people are still on 'is this incompetence? orcorruption and malice?' and i remain on 'it's both at the same time, feeding…
  • Sun, 15:07: RT @ spacetwinks: remembering a lot of 'demographics as destiny' and 'change will come when all the old bigoted voters die of old age' but i…
  • Sun, 15:07: RT @ spacetwinks: the NY dem party is instructive, i think, because yes they hate the left and crush efforts to change the status quo, but t…
  • Sun, 15:10: RT @ _ONEINCHSWING: doodle グレゴリーとソラ (Gregory & Sommie)
  • Sun, 15:11: RT @ AmberlynWhite: Someone on Reddit made a collage of their Autism assessment observations quotes and I cannot stop laughing.
  • Sun, 15:31: RT @ hyochang098: 마아아알랑이제노스

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