Smut prompts that are horribly unbetaed

Jan 21, 2010 21:49

Made a new entry because I'm horrifyingly lazy. Three more down. Maybe four.

Disclaimer: These are random brain dumps and not even edited, but if I don't get them out I'll drive myself crazy.

For verisimilitude9:
Prompt: I used this one and this one

There was nothing to match the high. There couldn’t be.

Each minute that ticked by led them closer to an end; hers or his--they couldn’t tell yet. Maybe for both; maybe for everything. It was best not to think of that, to wipe away the stray tear, or look away when she tried to pull his head towards hers as they lay tangled in her bed, their skin still moist with sweat, the adrenaline still pumping in their heated blood.

He kissed a trail from her eyelids, down her neck, to her sensitive nipples, and for once, Mercury tossed logic aside and believed him.

Better to think that they had forever.

For ellorgast

Prompt: Quote: "I've got dimes
To pay for sodas and your sweet tooth
To hike your skirt up in your phone booth
To start a fight and say I told you so"

(Context: Hocky camp!)

There was too much poly-spandex in the way; he fumbled around underneath her skirt, grasping at snaps and pulling away tight fabric and then finally, finally got a finger through the barriers, and she began to melt around his hand, warm and wet, and her eyes popped open as her ponytail bobbed. "Oh!" she gasped, her nails digging into his arm as she tried to keep her knees from buckling, "Oh, that feels good...keep…going."

He pushed harder, grinding in circles, kissing her neck and trying not to come in his pants.

For tenebris
Prompt: "What do you do, in the bath?"

“Oh I see what happened,” the Princess giggled, and Venus felt her face flush as she lowered herself into the hot water. The heat started massaging away the soreness in her limbs and between her legs, and she winced as the raw, burned skin on her back and rear end made contact with the porcelain bathtub.

She tried to curl away from Serenity’s reach, to no avail. The smaller girl kept giggling, the sound like a silver harp, and pressing her fingertips to the visible marks. “Let’s see, he was on your neck,” she purred, touching the dark red mark on the base of Venus’ throat. “Hard. Here, too.” There was another mark on the underside of her jaw, and under her ear. Another on her collarbone.

Venus blushed and ducked under the water, soaking her hair. The Princess tsked and reached for a glass bottle. “No restraint, I imagine. So unlike him.”

No restraint: he had torn her dress like tissue, thrown her down, pinned her on the tabletop, broken through her barrier without hesitation, and fucked her until she was writhing underneath him. And she had loved every second of it. Even now, back on the Moon with her Princess, her mind kept flashing back to that moment when his tenuous self-control had snapped and passion took over. Hers too: she wasn’t blameless in the least.

Serenity scrubbed the shampoo through the masses of sunsilk and stopped when she noticed the semicircle of teeth marks around Venus’s right nipple. “Goddess, he was just trying to eat you up, wasn’t he?” She pressed her face against her guardian’s, who was trying to look away. Venus jumped at the sensation.

“That hurts.”

The Princess never lost her manic grin. “You didn’t seem to mind last night.”

She hadn’t. Serenity’s hand traveled down her taut stomach and dipped between her legs, and Venus hissed and jerked her legs up when the fingertips touched the swollen, torn flesh. “Please don’t. I’m still-it’s…”

The Princess nodded in understanding and withdrew her hand. “Oh, my poor girl. Look what he’s done to you.” She turned her head and planted a kiss against Venus’s face. “They’re so rough sometimes. They feel like they have to claim you.” Her kisses trailed down her neck. “And then they do. It’s barbaric, but it feels so good.” Their mouths met in a gentle kiss. Their eyes met, blue on blue, and Venus was the first to look away.

“I lost control.” She ducked under the water again to rinse the lather out of her hair. There would be so much to do; so many details to check on to verify that the Princess’s absence hadn’t been noticed, so much ground to cover. Venus didn’t want to do any of it. She wanted to lounge in the near-scalding water until the aching subsided, then slide bonelessly in bed, press her cheek into the cool, smooth linen of her pillow and pretend that she was still sleeping in his arms.

The Princess cocked her head. “You lost nothing,” she insisted, dancing her fingertips over the surface of the bathwater. “When you give into love, you never lose.”

“We’re not in love,” Venus quickly corrected. They weren’t. They couldn’t be. She didn’t even want to think of what could come about if she allowed it to happen again.

The sideways glance from Serenity was heavy with innocence, or maybe knowledge; after all, she was the expert in this situation, even though her qualifications were only very recent. How ironic: the Goddess of Love was getting lectured on love and romance from the young charge she was supposed to protect. Serenity lifted one slender, white shoulder in a half-shrug and bent down. “So.” She placed a kiss as tender as silver moonlight on Venus’s lips. “Who’s the better kisser?”

Her eyes dropped shut as she smiled. “You are.”

The Princess laughed as she stood and walked out of the bathroom. “I don't believe you for a second. But I would never bite you, ma cherie. Remember that.”

“I know,” Venus whispered. She waited until she heart the door latch before reaching down and caressing her legs up from the ankle before splaying her fingers across her midsection, then her breasts, and then her neck, where his marks remained.

Yow I'll see if I can keep this train running and write more tonight.

smut, sailor moon

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