
Dec 19, 2014 10:50

вот такое письмо получили от нашего резидент-менеджера:

Dear resident,

Facilities Management has noticed a recent increase in dead squirrels found in areas around Graduate & Family Housing. The University this week sent a squirrel in for testing to Boulder County Public Health to determine whether the squirrel, which was exhibiting symptoms of illness, carries the disease Tularemia.   Boulder County has seen a recent rise in Tularemia cases. See this Daily Camera article for more information:

It is important to know that we are still awaiting test results.  We will notify you once those test results have been released, which may be after December 25.

In the meantime, in the spirit of acting with measured caution, we ask you to read through the below information to keep you and your family healthy.  Tularemia is a very rare and treatable disease, but the below information will help you better understand the risks and precautions.

What is Tularemia?

Tuleremia is a rare, but serious bacterial infection transmitted to humans by the handling of infected sick or dead animals, including rodents, squirrels and rabbits.

How can I get Tularemia?

Humans can contract Tuleremia by handling sick or dead animals, and also if they are bitten by an infected tick or deer fly, by eating or drinking contaminated food or water and by inhaling airborne bacteria.

What are the symptoms of Tularemia?

Symptoms include skin ulcers, swollen and painful lymph glands, inflamed eyes, sore throat, mouth sores, diarrhea or pneumonia.

Can I transmit Tularemia to others?

Tuleremia is not transmittable human-to-human.

What can I do to prevent contracting Tularemia?

Preventing Tularemia is similar to preventing any infectious disease involving animals.  Do not handle sick or dead animals, do not approach a sick or dead animal and do not ingest a sick or dead animal.

эти белки мало того, что вообще страха не знают, так еще и заразу разносят.
Туляремия какая-то. Страшная вещь, однако.
Теперь заставляю всех обувь снимать на улице и полы мою каждый день, а то малой ползает и все в рот тащит.
У нас тут и белок, и зайцев, и мышей полно. Экология, е-мое.

ужастик, где я живу

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