This doesn't surprise me in the least. Honestly, I don't think happiness mostly has to do with what happens to you, but rather your frame of mind; the color of your glasses, if you will. I think if you are an unhappy person, you will find things that make you unhappy, and if you are a happy person, you will focus on the things that are good. Of course, I think most people fluctuate throughout their lives; I know that I've gone through very unhappy times, not saying there was anything exceptional to make me unhappy. However, I do think happiness has something to do with how free you feel; it's why even though jails are like hotels now, I still think it's a punishment. If something makes you feel like you have no control over you life, you can't help but feel useless. I think it's why the countries they listed are happy vs. not as. Of course, I think that's the libertarian in me speaking out...