(no subject)

May 11, 2008 19:35

Gacked from evilcheshirecat.

1. Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee.

*I doubt it about the squee though.

This is my default icon for the name-sake. It's a character from the comic Kissing Chaos that frankly looks so much like Venus from my on-going story and first bout of true creativity that I love it. ^_^ The fact that she's pointing a "gun" makes me love it so much more. Too bad the characters have NOTHING alike beside design (looks).

Similarly, related to that genius that is my comic story (I will eventually refine it and make it into a hetero-manga... which as we all know is a gasp when I say "Vanessa" and "will write heterosexual relations" in the same sentence without any negative-tenses like not, never, et. al.) This is my own sketch of Darren, off of the character designs Lauren had done so long ago (in HS) and I colorized it using Adobe Photoshop. I drew this years ago, Sophomore year in college probably... that was when I scanned and colored it though. I love his eyes. I see the flaws in it, but I still love Darren too much to care. In fact, the role he originally played was completely altered by him being such a hotty. XD Lauren you're evil for that!

I gacked this and the next one from adultfanfiction.net because, well come on, anything that says Truth Serum makes you Honest deserves a gold star I think. ^_^ I think it's really funny so I like to use it. (So says my inner dork.)

The biologist in me smiles every time I see this, a sea-cow mounting a shark... come on, and the epic battle between it... The captions are hilarious, but I also just remind myself of how unfriendly of a bastard I am when I see it. XD Because I'm pretty sure if someone glomped me I'd effin' punch 'em before being friends... =_= Which I think I would agree to being their friends after punching them out of guilt and then come to like someone who'd be so random as to glomp a stranger... and be their friends for chaotic purposes. XD That's so my personality.

I made this icon out of a picture of a tornado and the destructive wake of it... looming... just seeing it coming, I can just see people reading their friends' pages... come to my entry and think... "Oh shit... not her again" LOL... <.< I'm not very trusting, I usually think even my friends hate me and just put up with me. I dunno, I guess I'm just cynical from my childhood... lol. I love tornadoes, too. It's my favorite disaster... I know it's weird to have a FAVORITE... <.< But, I've seen them, they're beautiful, I've had them go through my home town and areas I was in... but I'm not scared, merely fascinated. To top it off, when I was much younger, I had a weather book which was my absolute favorite book for so long... and constantly read about tornadoes and other forms of weather. I wonder if I still have that book, come to think of it. XD

Well, now I guess you know more about me too, after reading about inspiration for the icons and what they mean to me.
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