ashes to ashes 3x08

May 22, 2010 03:14

nooooooooooo! it's the last one! :(

seriously, though, a big massive group hug to the cast and crew who've given us fans a fantastic series these last three years. and another one to everyone at luigi's, the railway arms, and a2ashes for all the thinkies and whatnot.

* PREVIOUSLY...chris, ray, and shaz saw stars en masse; gene spilled most about what happened to sam (we think?); and keats got collectively sporked by hoards of gene/alex fans (or, you know, they so wanted to ;)).
* no traditional credits. just the show's logo after the "previously..." stuff. don't blame them, really. lots to cram in.
* alex is asleep again.
* "it's a knockout!" score: alex, 21; gene, 13
* and the semi-return of the WHITE LEATHER JACKET OF AWESOME!
* large version of epaulette on steps.
* big gene is a bit creepy-looking. (so is big alex.)
* molly's rooting for her mum. but does alex know it?
* alex's eyes are open, but she's still dreaming.
* ghost!sam is knocking on the opposite side of gene's door.
* "mummy, get up, he's coming!"
* alex is a little more awake now. i think.
* BANG! and another vision of the dead ghost copper. and there's the weathervane! and something else.
* molly's worried.
* "mummy, get up, he's coming!"
* "i have to know the truth will set me free."
* lights on in CID. in sequence. looks like alex is still not quite awake. (and what's the book on her desk?)
* photo of the house in lancashire.
* "i think we've found our grave."
* today, gene. today.
* soft cell's cover of "tainted love". me likes.
* another day, another crime scene.
* "do you know the hardyman gang?" cousins.
* "alex? meet ginger and nobby." don't know about the third dead person.
* time of death "about thirty seconds after their throats were unzipped."
* black quartz in their gobs.
* did alex get a good night's sleep last night? no answer.
* gene thinks they're dealing with "underworld gangster bastard types".
* gene and alex are arguing and raymondo's not even had breakfast yet. someone get him a full english!
* "....some people just don't know a good thing."
* there's a phone number on "ginger's" hand.
* someone's making a noise.
* "ginger" is still alive, apparently. but not for bloody long.
* ray's not a geographist.
* third guy was wearing tweed trousers.
* "....and i'd like answer to a triple killing, granger, you stupid plonk!" :(
* guv's a bit agitated. more than usual.
* "this place is mine! you lot belong to me. not drake, not keats. ME."
* and gene wants to speak to alex, "a-s-a-bloody-p".
* shaz thinks gene and alex should either get a room or kill each other.
* "this whole place feels different, and we all know it."
* nothing's been the same since viv died.
* chris knows something is happening. shaz doesn't want to hear it.
* "well, write to arthur c. clarke's mysterious world."
* gene wants seven sugars.
* alex is with keats.
* barringfield green. just outside of bolton. alex can be there in four hours.
* keats' report on gene is ready. he'll hang on to the photograph.
* alex is confused. she's not sure it's sam buried there.
* she reiterates that gene helped sam when he asked him to, without question.
* "what, so tyler's alive, is he? maybe living in grand canary?" (part of the canary islands, natch.)
* alex knows sam's not dead. but she's not.
* "gene can't be the enemy."
* annie can't be traced, either. (oh noes! also, didn't jackie queen say sam and annie were married in 2x04? are the writers ret-conning that or something?)
* "you and sam are different. you both challenged this world gene's carefully built for himself. that makes you dangerous to him."
* keats isn't D&C, but who is he?
* "you've done so much to help everyone else around you, alex. now you have to help yourself, and that means trusting me."
* third man mentioned "vickie p." and drinking. (vic tyler under an assumed surname?)
* it would be time for cross-checks, but here comes chris with an id!
* walter tavish.
* "bloody hell. he could do the generation game all on his own!"
* tavish specializes in antique furniture. a fence.
* "this is a message." the quartz was put in their mouths to make an ironic point.
* gene's being snarky again. snap out of it!
* "so 'guv' again, is it? you made a fool of me last night."
* gene reminds her of the yuppie with the delorean from 1x02.
* "i didn't take this world seriously then. i do now." / "and me?" / "i take you very seriously, gene." / "d'you know our problem, bolls? we've lost sight of who we are." (you could say that again, gene.)
* ray's got a gun. and he's feelin' playful. and there's a tramp playing a little pipe flute.
* new sargeant is very serious. very. very. serious. (WOE for viv.)
* oh, joy. it's another whistle.
* and now ray feels like he's choking.
* and the tramp salutes him.
* and ray bumps into another uniform and knocks down the paperwork.
* "that new skip creeps me out...."
* phone number on ginger's hand doesn't exist.
* "this dried blood has made that "3" into an "8"."
* shaz has an OS (official survey) map of lancashire for alex.
* and gene's all sour grapes again. to the office!
* screwdriver in shaz's chair.
* "this is about bloody tyler again."
* "go. just go home." gene wants to transfer her again? or is he giving her the green light to reawaken in real!2008?
* gene thinks she's upsetting a predominantly male environment. "no, i'm upsetting you because i didn't sleep with you last night. you are the most immature man i've ever met." and we get into a childish arguement. again.
* he doesn't think they can be in the same room together. "why? 'cause you're so angry you might do something?"
* oh, look, gene's standing up to her. or maybe he's playing kid!scared. "MINE! ALL MINE!"
* alex doesn't want to know what to think anymore.
* gene considers alex a hinderance now.
* "if jim keats comes to see you, you tell me. if you don't, i will consider it an act of war." / "did sam commit an act of war?"
* the last thing sam told gene? he wanted a pint.
* alex is off in a gold vauxhall cavalier. (same make and model that hit sam in 2006. only difference is this one is gold and the one that hit sam was blue. car supplied by luigi's! :D)
* no one's picking up at the number.
* chris has found nothing.
* try euro plods. call lyon. (a france reference!)
* "rachel miller, flat b, 47 anton close." ray and shaz can go together!
* "oh, guv, DCI keats said he's got something for you." / "oh, joy. lucky old me."
* and there are the ray/chris/shaz tapes.
* some swedish bloke fitting the profile?
* nope. dutch. he's from amsterdam.
* a known associate? wally tims. aka wally tavish.
* time to fire up the betamax! keats is a sucker for quality.
* gene wants him to go upstairs and see everyone working as a team.
* intel. keats has it.
* walter tavish once herded gems out of sierra leone. (known in the present day for dirty diamonds, yeah?)
* he first worked for a foreign gang, then switched his allegiance to the hardymans.
* keats' report on gene is in the briefcase. "fascinating reading."
* and there's the picture of the house. and the writing on the back.
* fire up the telly. and the coronation of QE2 (june 1953).
* there's a suspect. but gene's not interested now.
* time for the big gun. and his coat.
* "am i invisible or something?" / "he's had another tiff with the ma'am." / "what, and their little moves dictate the way we do our jobs? sod 'em both. this is my investigation from now on." raymondo initiative for the win this time?
* keats delivers the tapes. says they're in their best interests.
* but ray and shaz ignore them. for now. they've got work to do.
* meanwhile, gene fires up the quattro.
* rachel's house is a wee bit messy.
* annnnnd dead rachel is dead. in the bed.
* time for three-way profiling!
* "they were looking for something in the bins."
* she was an air hostess with "never fly air." heee! :D
* she was supposed to fly out at noon the next day. 48-3B.
* it's on her calendar, too. circled three times.
* it's not a flight number. it doesn't match.
* shaz tripped on something, and out rolls some money.
* a bunch of fifties.
* "she's the courier, but she doesn't have the gems."
* so what about vickie p?
* headin' up north to farringfield green, lancashire, to the tune of "in the air tonight."
* there's the house, with the weathervane. all boarded up. abandoned.
* and i've been waiting for this moment / for all my life / oh, lord...
* scarecrow on the hill.
* he's wearing a hat and a jacket with sleeves sewn on.
* epaulette 6620 is tacked on to the jacket. minus the "M".
* and now gene is here.
* cocked gun at the ready.
* flashbacks of dead ghost copper + appearances of "6620"...and now gene.
* "there's a body buried here, gene. it was on the news in my hospital room. please tell me it's not sam."
* shaz is sorting out mail. ray is giving orders (quite nicely, i must say!).
* somehow a copy of razzle magazine ended up in shaz's box.
* ray's curious about his tape now.
* and shaz has found a london a-to-z.
* "48-3B -- 48, hackney. 3B, victoria park." / "the locals call it vickie park." (vickie p!)
* alex is doing some digging now. literally.
* and gene's pulled a gun on her and told her to stop.
* an officers' jacket. epaulette number is missing.
* "it's him. keats was right about you, gene, all this time. and i believed in you. more than that."
* there's something else there, too. an old warrant card?
* gene's a little gobsmacked, methinks.
* she shows it to him. but we don't see it.
* he puts his gun away and walks down toward the house.
* lots of union jacks hanging up. cobwebs everywhere.
* alex is here!
* IT IS GENE'S WARRANT CARD! PC gene hunt, warrant/epaulette #6620. it's HIS body in the shallow grave!
* "'he's skinny. skinny lad. he needs fattening up.' it was morrison who said that. his mentor. PC morrison."
* it was coronation day. june 2, 1953.
* first week on the beat.
* then morrison got drunk. PC hunt was left on his own.
* "someone broke in here. he heard 'em. thought they were kids. so he kicks the door open, y'know, like john wayne or jimmy stewart. BAM, in he goes. see, in here. in here, he's not some snotty kid in a uniform; no, he's gary cooper in high noon. he's the law. only they weren't kids."
* BAM! shotgun blast. that's what happened to PC hunt. that explains why half his ghost's face is bloodied.
* "didn't deserve a shallow grave, did he? did he, alex?" / "no. no, you didn't."
* why didn't he tell alex? he forgot everything. "you know what? i wish i still had."
* "it's over. and you're here."
* so what is keats, then?
* they're all in a place where they -- coppers -- can sort themselves out.
* "are you talking about people who are...people who..."
* "well, you gotta remember you know the truth about him. that explains a lot. ego. an immature relationship with alcohol. a curious uncertainty about the opposite sex. gradually they're going to you. those who had issues with their passing, and you tucked in their shirts and you wiped their noses, sorting out the troubled souls of their majesty's constabulary -- ray, chris, shaz. oh, they've been here a long time, haven't they, hey? a lot of issues."
* time for gene to threaten him, to be defiant.
* keats watched gene imprisoned in his fantasy.
* "the one thing is that unlike you (alex), they don't know they're compromised."
* sam returned to 1973/the geniverse after committing suicide in 2007, "but he knew that he couldn't last. did you help [both sam and annie] on their way, gene? did you?"
* gene just knew sam had to go. end of.
* "you helped sam. do i mean nothing to you, gene? i only wanted to get back to my little girl! that's all." (yay! she's remembering molly now!)
* gene doesn't want alex to return to 2008. he wants her to stay with him.
* "you've been amazing. listen, you have done all you can to get home. there's just one last thing to accomplish, alex. help me explain the truth to ray, chris, and shaz."
* gene's a bit pale now. and in shock. now what?
* alex is doing it for molly. she can't be without her mum.
* gene will try to trick her one more time. "when that time comes, you.will.know."
* 9:05 pm. victoria park.
* chris and shaz are checking things out. ray's somewhere else on the radio.
* chris found something in/near the angel statue.
* a bag of white quartz? large diamonds.
* gene's having a drink. alex is in the back seat. i guess keats is driving the quattro.
* wham!'s "club tropicana" on the radio.
* gene deserved to know the truth. he wonders if it matters now.
* keats wants to listen to wham! all the way back to london.
* success for chris, ray, and shaz!
* ray's looking at the tapes again.
* chris likes tarzans. and girls. (i think that's what he said?)
* shaz is going undercover as an air hostess.
* ray's hearing sirens now.
* "who needs the guv, eh?"
* ray's going to watch his tape.
* he sees his younger self in a flat somewhere, probably in manchester. 1953 for him, too?
* ray's crying. and doing a lot of drinking.
* looks like '53. he also seems to be watching the coronation. june 1977. he's watching the silver jubilee.
* DC ray carling, then. he's just thrown his warrant card in the trash.
* he looks like he's getting ready to hang himself. (so that's why he occasionally felt like he was choking (see 3x03, roof convo with alex)! it had nothing to do with a fire!)
* "i'm sorry, dad."
* yep. ray hanged himself.
* chris in shades, brandishing a gun. shaz likes.
* shaz used to have a sense of humour. she was going to marry chris, after all.
* now ray wants the other two to know what's on their tapes. chris first.
* some kind of shootout on the streets somewhere. (manchester 1953 again? or somewhere else? 1975, according to the shooting script. london standing in for manchester, i suspect.)
* PC chris skelton. he wonders if they need backup.
* "just do as you're told!"
* it's his superior's whistle that's blowing.
* lots more shooting.
* chris steps out and gets shot several times. fatally.
* lastly, shaz.
* "she has to see it." / "NO!"
* she wants to see it. give her the tape, chris!
* slightly more recent times, from the looks of it, but not quite 21st century, i don't think. 1990s? somewhere in london.
* shaz is still a WPC.
* she's after a carjacker.
* she tried to tackle him down, but she's stabbed with a screwdriver.
* oasis' "wonderwall". released in late 1995.
* shaz is very upset as she watches her other self bleed to death.
* "all this time! i felt so angry, so frustrated!" / "i know."
* shaz is still too shaken for any consolation from chris.
* and now the three are reunited.
* once again, we see their LOM moments. hear laughter and david bowie asking if there's life on mars.
* keats, gene, and alex are back. they don't know that the other three already know. (sort of.)
* and now keats is beating the hell of out gene.
* "all up to speed on health and safety? good! now you know you've all been denied the truth!"
* and now for a kick in the stomach for gene.
* did gene just change into his younger self?
* "a skinny little kid! look at him."
* gene's back to being older.
* "look at your guv."
* keats screams and overturns alex's desk.
* more screaming and kicking. keats is pissed!
* or is it overjoyed? he's a bit manic, yeah?
* big scream. keats drops the typewriter. ceiling changes into stars. (that's why danny mays was asking about CGI, apparently.)
* meeep! okay, keats wasn't totally creeping me out before, but now? *cue beaker*
* "isn't it beautiful?" more laughter.
* "oh, come on. you didn't think this was, like, a real police station, did you?"
* it's all gene's game. he lied to them, says keats.
* "he didn't lie." lights come back on. "he didn't lie; he'd just forgotten."
* "we just wanted to make him proud."
* gene is struggling.
* "guv says, 'jump', and you ask, 'how high?' i have done that before. i have followed a man who told me to jump. and i jumped into a bullet. i... i can't think, i can't think!"
* alex thinks this is sick gloating.
* shaz is 26 years old. "i want to see my mum. chris, i need to see my mum!"
* "and you all still have that life. you're living one now, aren't you?"
* alex says no. they're not.
* keats is offering everyone life on their own terms. "your dream, your way."
* he has a new department waiting for everyone. he can transfer them.
* alex is concerned about gene.
* "what about scotland yard?" / "there is no scotland yard, chris."
* alex wants gene to get up.
* keats promises he won't bully or belittle anyone. he'll make sure everyone's happy and fulfilled. "and every night, the drinks are on me."
* does ray still have something to give? does he want to forget the disappointment?
* "you can't. you can't just go. not like this." / "why not? what is there here, boss? ma'am? i mean, look at it. look at it, alex!" (is this the first time chris has called alex by her first name?)
* chris and shaz are going. alex doesn't want them to.
* after ray bottled up the army, he fell into being a copper. "i took it out of me own wad (?) a young lad. he was just pissin' off the side of a pub. but i ended up killing him." his DCI -- someone similar to gene -- covered up the murder.
* alex won't leave him. not like this.
* but chris, ray, and shaz will.
* "it's done."
* the door's open for alex.
* "you go to hell." ouch. "all right."
* gene looks very much like death now.
* "DS cleaves. DC's janice and michaels. or robbie, kate, and abby, if you prefer." they're all heading downstairs somewhere.
* madonna's "holiday" in the background.
* abby is the blonde. seems like ray is interested. figures.
* friday night = cocktail nights.
* dave is on the other end.
* "i want them on serious crime."
* shaz seems happy, but she's a bit skeptical, methinks.
* CID is still trashed. gene and alex have the place to themselves.
* alex thought she'd gone mad when she originally arrived, in 1981.
* "you looked good, though." / "i was dressed as a prostitute." / "my point."
* quattro. the snakeskin boots. gene.
* "my real name is nigel perkins. nah, i'm joking; it's gene hunt."
* she calls him a bunch of negative adjectives. he's sure she's missed one.
* "and yet somehow, you make us all feel safe." / "it's over, bolly. no use trying to cheer me up."
* so, what happened to sam?
* "you don't need to put the 'why' in after the word 'pub'." / "why?" / "because that's what you do after a job."
* "you foil a blag. you go to a boozer. but is that how it's meant to end, gene?"
* before all this, ray planned a raid at london east aerodrome. eric halston.
* shaz was going to go undercover as an air hostess. "very ambitious. well done, ray."
* gene is curious. "why do you care?" / "because we're coppers. it's what we do." (i smell mirrored dialogue.)
* gene just wants to get really drunk.
* and don't call him 'guv' any more.
* flight's at "high noon."
* terry has rubbish eyesight.
* "why don't you draw him into the cargo hangar?"
* sounds like gene has a plan now! "oh, give over."
* she B-team can hide in the woods.
* "why are we doing this, bolly? i've lost my bloody team!" / "they'll come. chris took the radio. they don't want to lose you, guv."
* keats punches in the security code to the lifts room. elevator lifts are out of service.
* alex is calling on the radio. it's not a good time.
* keats wants him to throw it away.
* so does ray.
* you have to call them, gene! you can do it!
* keats hits the button for another lift. (it's about 7:56 am.)
* "i've had a look at your investigation. it's bloody impressive. you're just missing one crucial element: me."
* shaz gets her promotion, effective immediately! DC sharon granger now! :D he wants her to come back, "tanto pronto!"
* keats is pacing. oh dear.
* alex is smiling.
* and to chris and ray: "what is a sheriff without his finest deputies? i'll tell you what he is, he's nothing. it's not attractive." he wants them back, too.
* keats still wants chris to throw the walkie-talkie -- aka "that man" -- away.
* "when it's all over, we'll go to the pub. the boozer. OUR boozer."
* "ray, without backup, the guv will be exposed."
* "GET IN!"
* you've got the gun, ray. DO SOMETHING.
* "see you in the field."
* what are you thinking, ray?
* looks like the other coppers are back. meanwhile, in the office...
* "you're gene hunt. you're their guv. that's what i'm here for. nothing else." / "thank you."
* shaz is back! and ready to go! :D chris and ray? not so much.
* "you were are you all right, shaz?" / "about wearing a dead woman's clothes? seems appropriate, ma'am."
* "apprehend with rabid prejudice." the rest of CID is ready to go.
* "right, gentlemen. saddle up."
* "beat it"!
* five cars arrive, quattro front and centre. (the gold vauxhall cavalier is there, too!)
* baddies are there. shaz is ready!
* they lost chris and ray to keats.
* here comes shaz with a briefcase.
* baddie is a happy baddie.
* they're ready to board. but not before shaz. she's gotta get her bag.
* not before he snags her from behind.
* nice kick, shaz!
* "drop your shooters! you've been bloody nicked!"
* quattro gets shot to bits.
* "chariots of fire".
* alex fires her weapon!
* there's the silver datsun!
* yeah, they're totes nicked now.
* "they just killed the quattro."
* dead dutch baddie is dead.
* "that's a takedown. job done." / "so what now, then, guv?" / "pub."
* that's unanimous. PUB! but where? luigi's is no more.
* poor quattro. :( fade to black.
* fade the railway arms! looks brand new!
* stop acting flabbergasted, ray. time for some drinks.
* oooh! shaz kissed the guv! (well, a peck on the cheek.) it's her job to keep them out of trouble.
* chris is going in straight away.
* "i'll always love ya, forever and a day, you got that?" / "fab."
* handshakes for gene and raymondo.
* "see ya in a minute, boss. ma'am."
* chris/ray/shaz banter. hee!
* nelson motions alex inside. not yet.
* "so that's it. i helped bring them here with you. it's over. i've done it. i can go home, gene!"
* flatline, 2008.
* she's in a hospital.
* "he wants you to give up on your life."
* it's molly's scarf! red and grey.
* "i can take you to her, alex."
* keats is red-eyed.
* "what time is it?" 9:06.
* "that was the time in my hospital room."
* "hello, jimbo." PUNCH! "goodbye, jimbo."
* "my baby." / "i know, i know. we're way of the world, alex. she'll be fine."
* alex believes gene needs her. she could stay.
* but she can go inside. the railway arms has a saloon bar.
* "we weren't bad, though, were we?"
* 6620. given back to gene.
* "see ya 'round, bolly kecks."
* and the gene/alex shippers get their moment.
* "goodbye, guv." / "go."
* alex heads for the door... and goes inside.
* "life on mars".
* gene's all alone.
* keats is maniacally laughing again. and limping.
* gene grabs his collar. then throws him.
* "we'll meet again. don't know where. don't know when. see ya. wouldn't want to be ya."
* back to CID.
* 6620 still etched on alex's desk.
* brochure for a mercedes-benz 190D on gene's desk.
* his younger self reflected through. momentarily.
* time for some scotch.
* new copper has arrived. he wants his iPhone. and his office. he must've been a DCI in 2010. (kinda like sam's arrival in LOM 1x01.)
* cast listing and credits at the end, set to david bowie's "heroes".
* "so, it was all sorted in the end. and no bones broken, luckily. well, i don't know about you, but i'm gonna knock off. i'm beginning to fancy my supper. see ya next week. ta-da." THE END.
* over to the fan fic writers.

(also on dreamwidth)

entertain me: ashes to ashes

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