"Little boxes made of ticky-tacky"

Aug 15, 2007 23:52

No communication, but I have a bit of inside info on the job situation.
I'm supposed to be hired to replace someone who was supposed to give her 2 weeks notice sometime earlier this week, for the group I had previously been told about working with. I don't know, though, whether or not said person has decided to actually give her notice, I don't know. My contact is out of town for the week, and I don't want to be a pest. I don't want to consider a different group, particularly. This one is a great place to be--close contact with important people in the company, as well as the clients--huge investment banks (trust me, you've heard of their clients), hedge funds, and private investors. So if I successfully impress the boss guy, I've got a recommendation for grad school or a lucrative career in investment banking, though I don't think the latter is really my goal, though it is a nice fall back plan. If things don't go according to plan as far as grad school, I can still make money and be successful in life, eh?I'm starting to believe more and more that the next three years will hurt like a bitch, but be the most important in setting myself up. I mean, isn't that what one could hope for? Find a job that doesn't make you want to die, with benefits that make you feel less bad about working...?

I sometimes wonder about something I've heard before, about how we wouldn't have to work so hard to make money to buy the things we think will make us happy enough to compensate for the fact that we work so much. I mean, quite a few European countries have simply worked in shorter work days/weeks, more vacation time, and studies show that people in those countries are generally happier than Americans who work in comparable jobs. I don't think I'll be doing anything differently any time soon, though. I mean, as much as I've always thought about leaving the NYC metro area, leaving it all behind for some other place, like San Francisco or Seattle or the UK (London), I don't think I will. I didn't set myself up education wise for the UK, and besides that, the grass is always greener. I know what will happen; it's exactly what happened when I went away to school in Boston.

I realized what a suck ass place it is, with obvious racial problems, nothing is open late, the food is awful, just like the weather, and being underage through the club ban didn't help. But before I went, I had worked it up into this college mecca where I would have so much fun and things would just be amazing, and college would be the best time of my life. Well, college sucked monkey nut, and while I miss being with my friends, I hated the actual going to school part. I look back, and there's maybe a handful of classes where I felt like I was truly learning something, and even then, I was never truly dedicated to them. There's never been a single class where I went for every session, barring extreme illness.

Sometimes I think being over retrospective or introspective is damaging. It only puts me in a bad mood and gets in the way of thinking about things to come. Well, I'm definitely not making that mistake. I'm going to get the skinny from my inside link, and take advantage of everything, exploit all the angles, and soak everything I'll need up, before I miss any chances, so help me ___. I couldn't think of what to put there, so I thought I'd leave it to the powers that be, and my own competency. I can handle this. I can. I'm going to keep telling myself that...
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