"Ni sa da ni ma ma"

Jun 27, 2006 01:04

Okay, things with boy are all sorted, sort of. We're both free agents for the time being until he gets back in October. This means that if either of us at any time want to start actually dating someone else and are in a relationship when October rolls around, that is okay. This is not to say that we won't give us as a couple a try in October, should we both still be single then. And at the current time, neither of us is particularly looking. Yet. We are not currently romantically involved, and any 'I love you's exchanged were about personality, because he apparently loves me as a person. I am still not sure I love him as a person, but that's okay. I think I'll get that sorted by October. And if we don't work as a couple, once we give that a try, we can still be friends.

The only thing that bugs me is now that we've stepped down a notch, at least mentally, I am not so motivated to talk as much. I think we can finally stop talking for like, 5 hours a day. Thank god. I was running out of things to say to fill the gaps, and was getting annoyed that he was waiting for me to say something. This was the problem I had. Once the chase stops, once platonicity has been reached, I lose interest. Quickly. Now I just hung up on him because he fell asleep. And I don't really care if he doesn't call again soon. And I think he said what he did to save face, because you don't say things the way he did if you mean them platonically.
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