Nov 09, 2004 17:05
Weather:cloudy,very cold, windy.
Winds: 6mph, gusting 22mph South/Southeast
Wind Chill:39 degrees
Temp: 41.7 degrees
Moon phase:10 waxing gibbous
The sea has been rough the past two days. Yesterday, noon, we halted sail while the winds blew northeast lest we be blown directly onto King Ferdinand's shore. the temperature has dropped, a surprising 20 degrees since we left Belfast, but i leave the reasoning of that toward the uncovered habitat of the open ocean. The temperature drop allowed only a changing of the watchmen on deck while the other crew members huddled in the cabin. i took the time to walk among my crew. they would, after all, be indentured to me once my debt was payed off.
The Galley maid hails from Hastings, but has attended school in london most of her life. She is called Kaitlin, the Gaelic spelling oddly enough, and tells me her father is a shipbuilder living in the americas. Barbados, i believe she mentioned. she has been apprenticing at a hospice in the london area, but her father has sent for her. she will be joining us on our journey to the west indies at which point her father will pay her passage.
The master watchman, by the name of John, was born on the sea. his father is a first mate aboard a merchant ship, and his mother maintains an Inn in Wales. I learned of this when asking John about his odd choice of dress for such a cold day. he came on deck this morning wearing his trousers, stockings, boots, and cap, but neglected to attire himself in any form of Shirt! he informed me that weather like this was nothing compared to the cold he endured when he was a young child. contrary to finding it cold, he said, he finds it invigorating. each to his own accord and I'm not one to question the dress of the man who wields the whip aboard this ship.
The quartermaster is a fourth Italian. his name, i am told, is paul. and his background is a wildly interesting one. His mother was a half Swedish, his father, half italian. it proves for quite an interesting breed. but the interesting story comes from where he was brought up. in India no less! apparently his father was a spice trader, and unlike some men who home in england and see their families once every 2 years, his was housed in India. he spent all the time in the world with them and sent his trading fleet to do all the work. that explains the scent of frankincense, and the favoring of silk shirts. he has three! those could fetch quite a price.
Ive seen only one other officer, that being the master gunner, and that being by accident as well. while climbing into the cabin i managed to topple his cargo of half a dozen muskets he had managed up three ladders from the cargo hold. he apologized, and i never caught his name. the only word to describe him is tall. very tall. he most likely has some Scandinavian in his blood as well.
The ship is now sailing swiftly southwest, bypassing the spanish ship-o-the-line's which have been sent after any of her majesties fleet leaving and British harbor. hopefully we have the ability to outrun them before they realize we've adjusted our course.