
Nov 10, 2010 15:00

I was reading a post on MetaFilter today about the guy who lost 20 lbs. on a diet consisting mostly of Twinkies. The comments quickly degenerated into a flame war regarding personal responsibility and weight gain/loss. It made me think about my family history and how grateful I am that my mother is who she is. She put up with so much crap from her parents regarding her body and her eating habits as she was growing up that she made sure that I felt loved no matter what I looked like or ate. I had a brief freakout in my teens due to peer pressure, but she brought me through it. She has enabled me to have a relatively "normal" approach to food. I don't feel worthless if I have an extra slice of pizza, I can enjoy bicycling for what it is instead of focusing on getting as much "exercise" as possible. Shaming someone because of their body does not encourage them to lose weight. It makes them depressed. Heavy people do not need your "helpful" comments regarding weight loss, or how good they'd feel if they lost 30 lbs. I am as guilty of this as anyone, and for that I am sorry. I know you are perfectly aware of your health situation, and you will take steps when and if you feel like it. All I can do is say that I will help you however you want it or back off if that is what you want too.

Food shouldn't be something you have to think about much.
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