Taking notes

Jul 24, 2008 09:28

I had my second "migraine" ever yesterday. It's actually an ophthalmic migraine. I was sitting at my desk, just like the first time, and all of a sudden, I got this starburst/triangular dot in my field of vision. Both eyes, right hand side, both times. The first time was in December of 2006. It scared me. I went to the doctor and got an MRI,then. He said it was probably stress or a migraine. I don't think I'll go to the doctor this time. This website explains it perfectly. The pictures on the right hand side are dead on. The visual thing only lasts for about 15 mintues, but afterwards, I had a headache on the left side of my head (which explains the right field of vision thing). Ally came and rescued me from work because nobody wanted me to drive home. Then, I had a snowball and took a nap. I feel better today.

We're going to Florida with our whole family for Labor Day. Other than that, I don't have any plans for the next month or so. Let's get together kids.
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