This weekend included a random and lovely assortment of things including (but not limited to):

Feb 10, 2008 22:16

-Poker with my voice tutor
-Red wine
-Anonymous Dionysian chaos
-Overpriced mineral water
-Running into telephone poles
-A Czech bar
-Friendly inebriated strangers
-Spontaneous conversations
-Free curry fries
-5 AM homecomings
-Moda. Plenty of it.
-Unlikely but indescribably rewarding friendships
-Food, glorious food!
-Slippery rocks
-Figurative boysenberries
-Closed shops
-A shit ton of walking
-Broken showerheads
-Cous cous
-Clean laundry

mental health, ow!, authority figures, food, acquainting, dublin, links, trying new things, list, party animal, dionysus, vices, travel, pictures, random conversations, friends

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