A slight criticism

Jul 09, 2007 23:57

So lately I've been thinking about substance use (and abuse) in college, and I've begun to realize that for some people, college is an era of maturity reversal. I say this because it seems like nearly everyone I knew in high school defines a good time as a social gathering based on drugs and/or alcohol. Now, don't get me wrong, I can definitely appreciate the appeal of alcohol and certain types of recreational drugs, but it seems like for most college students, true "fun" is out of the question unless drugs and/or alcohol is involved. I think this is particularly silly. Especially because in high school, many of these people opted not to drink or do drugs often (or at all) because there were better things with which to occupy their time. But based on their behavior, college, it seems, is such a boring place for them that drugs and alcohol have become the best time anyone can come up with...especially if a digital camera is involved to pictorially record everyone's "wild side" (or rather "stupid side"). This too is silly...isn't college supposed to be a place of endless opportunities and possibilities?

I'm not trying to lash out against partying (I enjoy getting trashed as much as the next college student), I'm just trying to remind college students that there are other available forms of entertainment than drugs and alcohol. I see people who once enjoyed going to concerts (for the music not for the drugs) or playing pool (sober) or getting ice cream with friends (to satisfy the soul, not the munchies) now prefer exhilarating and stimulating activities like "beer pong". And I'm sorry, but that's just lame...and kind of pathetic.

Isn't college supposed to stimulate emotional growth and expand your horizons...broaden your world view? And yeah, I do see some of that happening, but in most cases it seems that the average college student's passion for discovery and personal growth is greatly eclipsed by his or her desire to party. Granted, on some levels, the two are (or can be) entirely related and interconnected, but this connection is pretty limited.

So I guess I'm encouraging any undergraduate who reads this to be more than a beer pong fiend....challenging you to find other ways to have fun than various forms of intoxication and everything it entails. You're too smart to dedicate your college career to partying--you are ALL better than that.

soapbox, vices, betterment of society, friends, trying new things, the book of revelations, rl

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