An idea from Maddy: Year in review (last sentence of the first entry from each month of 2006)

Dec 26, 2006 14:51

January: Perhaps depravity isn't the worst thing to inflict upon someone, after all. This is probably true. February: I wonder if I would be better heard if I chose to remain silent. Also probably true. March: Rusty made me a mix CD because I made him one. It's good, I like it. I want him to date Fei. That sentiment was very short-lived...presently the thought of Rusty and Fei together makes me laugh. April: I don't know. I have more to figure out than I thought. Oh my infinite wisdom. May: I came out to my dad while he was in town. It went well...but he asked if Jenny and I were "lovers." Hmmm. Also, Baby-Duck Hat is good for parties. Yeah, that was awkward. June: But the hardest part is knowing that there's some other person alive in the same body I used to love. I wonder if I'll ever stop thinking about Ramon altogether. July: Future projects for the summer include working on my audition for A Midsummer Night's Dream, farming [non-hallucinogenic] mushrooms, editing my mom's book, getting certified to dive, taking a ceramics course with my dad, home spa days, continuing to get in shape, my cousin's wedding, our trip to Canada, Dulci's post-wedding bridal shower, shameless shopping, writing (of course), reading lots and lots of books, [finally] catching up on Degrassi, watching foreign films, and continuing to be happy. I think the only things on this list I actually succeeded in doing were the trips and catching up on Degrassi. And continuing to be happy, I suppose. August: I'm excited for school and so many other things, but I'm also in kind of a strange place right now. Mentally, I mean. But then, when am I not, really? I want a cookie. :::whine::: During my dieting...yeah. September: Today was lovely. One more to go. Until school, I presume is what I meant. October: Lately I feel drunk all the time (but last night was the first time I'd tasted alcohol in over two weeks). At least I'm not depressed. or sick. I still feel inebritated more than I ought to. November: Everyone and everything is always changing. Oh, and also, Merry Guy Fawkes Day. More obvious wisdom. December: Also, I'm not pregnant (read: I finally got a period after 4 months of not having one), so that's good. And Jake's sister, Sarah, is in town. She's neat. Hooray for not being pregnant and meeting Jake's sister.

meme, past

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