(no subject)

Jul 31, 2005 12:00

I guess i should also write about today, considering thats the day that this slot should correspond to. It was pretty boring, i was just writing on livejournal and reading my friends entries, when all of a sudden i read fiona's email telling me that the concert for Abi the crazy elf girl was tonight and that they were going to leave at four and i should be there if i wanted to go. So, naturally i stopped messing around with my computer and walked outside my room, where i encountered my dad telling me to stay with the twins. So naturally, i did, telling him to be back by the time that i would have to leave to go to Fiona's house and go to Yakima. I played Life the game with Myra in the meantime and watched some tube since i had nothing else to do with the twins, of course, making sure they did their homework and helping them with it which i did and they did all of their part of it too. So, i got ready and headed to the bank to get some money so that i could buy my food and such, but the bank was closed so i had to call my dad and ask him to let me borrow some money since he had come back but my mom still wasnt there. I loathed asking him for some but i didnt have a choice, or at least i thought i didnt. By the way, i feel really guilty about having eaten and not having paid for the food, i was waiting for Fiona's mom to say who owed what so i could give my share, but she didnt, so now i am going to find a way to repay her, and if Fiona happens to have some advice i would love it. Oh, but the music was so freaking awesome, i loved every second of it, and the company that i was in was phenomenal, all in all a ten of an evening. Abi even played the Jimmy song, i love that song, i was so happy when she played it that i lypsynched along to every last word. It made me happy, yet since it was a sad song i had goosebumps and was sad as well, talk about schizo moment. We got to talk to her afterwards, and i loved getting to meet her, she is such a great person, and she is so beautiful too, oh, i meant to compliment her on her hair cuz it looked so good but i kept forgetting. The bathrooms where creepy though, the urinals and the toilet had a mirror right next to em so that you could see your reflection, i was like wow, tad bit unnecesary and creepy. The establishment was very clean and sanitary however and i found no problems with it, not to mention the food being really good.
After dinner we got back in the car and drove back to Prosser, talking the whole time. Once back i hung out at Fiona's for a while and have talked to her and colin and half just payed attention to their conversation. They are so cute together, i really am happy for Fiona in having found her someone to love and to spread affection upon. After seeing her go through so much and hearing her stories, it really comforts the soul to see that she is doing so much better for herself. Afterwards, as we were heading out the doors, i lingered and talked to fi like i usually do, and we got around to the subject of poteet, we are both worried about her health and such, and we wish that she would get better and talked about how much we loved her. We then started talking about us, and well, the subject of hypochondriach stuff came up. I know that part of, most of that was the reason for my depression, but somehow it felt good to hear some one else say that they had that there. I love you Fi, you make me feel so good about myself, i hope our plans go through and we end up living together over in Olympia, nothing would make me happier.
Once home, i had to pee so i went to the bathroom, trust me, this is relevant, i saw my deoderant on the counter and thought, hmm, i wonder when rodolfo bought this kind of deoderant since he likes pheonix more than he likes Kilo which is the type i buy. Anyway, my mom is sitting in the kitchen cutting cactus leafs up to make food for the twins party tomorrow, and she asks if i can help her make the candy bags and i say sure, let me just change. I go to my room, unlock it since it is now a padlock that requires a key for entry, and find my window open with the playsation plugged in and pornoes out. Hmm, this doesnt make me happy because i know who it was, obviously and i know what he was doing in my room and needless to say i was not happy and i am not so sure about sleeping on my bed anymore. Anyway, i take the porns out and show them to my mom and tell her that i found them in my room, she of course looks at me and tells me that its pointless for her to do anything cuz he has no shell of self worth to even be emberaased about having his mom talk to him about porn at that age. I tell her i know, but that i just dont want that shit in my room. Naturally, now i am worried about the simple fact that if rodolfo flips out, he is going to tell my mom about my collection of DNA magazines, which are not porn and i dont care what anyone says because i have never used them for masturbation purposes. I wont go into details but be satisfied that i am not lying. Either way, i think i have decided to talk to her about them, and even show them to her if need be so that she understands the difference. Anyway, i went out and sat and talked to her while she cut the cactus and i made the candy bags. The subject of my dad came up, and she began to tell me how tired she was of all his bullshit, how he didnt ever go out of his way to help anyone but how he always complained about how we never went out of our way to help him. How when she had had the surgery on her legs because they were hurting her so much, that he never once asked her how she was doing, or even took her to the hospital, it was always call your brother, or tell your sons. How he never ever gave her her madication, and how she was just sick of a one sided relationship that only changed when she made it change. I think she is contemplating divorce, i dont know how good, or how bad of an event it would be, or even if she will do it, but at least now she finally realizes that the root of most of her problems stem from her bad marriage, and that, somehow, the fact that her kids always end up in bad relationships also might be tied to the same. Either way, i made sure she knew that i loved her, and that the money i had was at her disposal if ever she came to need it. Change cant be all that bad, cant be all good, but i guess only time will tell if change comes or doesnt.
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