Feb 01, 2006 09:20
Abso-freaking-lutely pathetic
I owe myself a slap in the face
I completely and totally botched my one chance to get my Stats grade in the black
No, I didn't fail the damn class
I passed with a 79
And don't you dare tell me there's nothing wrong with that
or that you couldn't do any better
or that I'm over reacting
Because frankly, I don't give a shit if you're happy with mediocrity
Some people have to work hard for that kind of grade, I understand that, and I'm not saying that such a grade is a bad thing for you
But I'm not some people
Sorry to say, but I'm smarter than the majority of you, with an exception of maybe five people
No, I'm not gloating
It's just true
I'm sorry that grades mean something to me
I'm sorry that I'm so sensitive and worried about my future that I actually cried over this
I've already had people bitch at me before saying that I cared too much about grades
Excuse me for actually wanting to lead a decent life
If you want to sit on your ass, barely passing algebra 1a, if you're passing at all, then be my guest
I'll wave at you as you pass by riding on the back of a garbage truck, because that's the life you've chosen
I'm going to do something with my life, and if you don't like it, fuck off for christsakes!
I am going to hang my head, I am going to feel miserable, and nothing you can say is going to stop that! I'm an emotional being, get used to it. Also appears that I'm obviously a bit bitchy, I don't need you pointing it out.
I would also advise not touching me for a couple days
There are few exceptions to this
Few meaning more than one
Less than five
If you have to ask, then you're probably not an exception
Sucks for you