Oct 13, 2005 08:44
I am tired
I am full of food
I'm sick of doing math, for the FIRST time ever
I'm annoyed at being stuck in intermediate jazz band
I'm growing impatient with my harassers
I'm getting restless and once again wish I knew something about fighting so I could maybe at least let off some steam with a sparring partner
I've been strangely cold, my parents think I'm sick
I still have that hicky on my neck..
I was oddly dehydrated today, I don't know how much liquids I've consumed today, but certainly more than average
I totally bummed food off of Greg today, I'm that awesome
I really just want to sit and cuddle for a few hours.. not just some random cuddling, I mean the REAL stuff, the kind that makes you feel loved
I'm stuck with the weirdest candy cravings, I know I want candy, but I don't know what kind..
I'm getting weirded out with my German class.. those videos are fscked up
I'm going crazy because every thing reminds me of Jakob >_< GAH! Especially Tony, just some of the little things he does.. mewph TT.TT...
.. Did I miss anything?