Stolen from
mydocuments. Even though no one looks at LJ anymore. Heh.
Julesie's doing it for a writing excercise. I like the idea of that, and maybe this'll get me writing a fic. I'd like that. I miss that.
To quote: The gist of the meme is this -- post a character, and I'll do the meme as that character. PLEASE, people, post character names. This is such a good world building exercise. Get me off my ass!
01. Full name
02. Best friend
03. Sexuality
04. Favorite color
05. Relationship status
06. Ideal mate
07. Turn-ons
08. Last sexual experience
09. Favorite food
10. Crushes
11. Favorite music
12. Biggest fear
13. Biggest fantasy
14. Quirks in bed
15. Bad habits
16. Biggest regret
17. Best kept secrets
18. Last thought
19. Worst sexual/romantic experience
20. Biggest insecurity
All Whedon shows apply here, obviously. If you REALLY want to get my brain moving, Harry Potter is an option. Um. You can attempt to throw a curveball at me, if you know of another show I like and you want to see me flounder. I support this plan, but don't guarantee the results. ;-)