Bad Day at Work

Apr 04, 2006 22:25

Today sucked.

I start off the day running late. Not for any specific reason, just scatterbrained. So scatterbrained that I left the house 10 min late. Unfortunately, I closed the garage door without my car keys, leaving me locked out of both my house and car. My parents don't have a spare key "hidden" and the neighbor they leave a key with was out of town. After about 10 min of trying, I finally got a hold of mom. After listening to her laugh at me, she ducked out of work and came home to open the garage door for me. I ended up leaving 25 min late.

At work, I finally had my project meeting that would determine what I would do at Mellon now that I was a full employee. One of the projects involve me learning a new computer program and deciding how to implement it into the current system. First step, install it on my computer so I can learn how it works. Easy, right? Wrong! I got not one, but three errors upon trying to install it. I had to have a request put into computing services so they can install it remotely. That left me with just the manual, which is rather hard to understand without the program to experiment in.

It didn't stop there. In the afternoon, I usually prepare a consolidated report of files I receive throughout the day. If I don't have them all by 2PM, it's time to start pestering people. Let me just say that despite my best efforts, I still didn't have them all by 4PM. The people who receive my reports were getting antsy, so I had to sent it out without them. Not 5 minutes later, I receive an e-mail asking why some of the numbers in my report were off. I redo the report and since I can't discover what was wrong in the first place, I just send out the the redo since it appears fixed. Since the missing file finally arrived in the course of those 5 minutes, I include them anyway. Another 5 minutes pass and I get another e-mail asking for the the other report to be redone with the data previously missing. I redo that one as well and bolt out, as I've already been at work longer than I was planning on and I just can't deal with anymore problems.

Add to all this Mom and I spent all evening yesterday trying to decipher my benefits and half the evening today doing the same. Not only that, but it still isn't done. I'm fighting with UPS as my new monitor should have already arrived, but they only deliver at noon and require a signature when no one is obviously home. Argh!!

At least one thing good happened today. Unfortunately, I have nearly nothing to do with it. Anyhow, Kate said that things are looking favorable for her to get the full-time position. Which is awesome for her, as she'll now have benefits and a reliable income (which she can put toward the house). As for me, I won't be losing my lunch buddy. Yay!

mom, mellon, kate

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