Money Creates As Many Problems As It Solves

Feb 22, 2006 20:47

Let's play "Guess Nick's Mood" If you guessed "absolutely raging mad, but in a quiet way," you're right! Go you.... Unfortunately, it all comes down to money, still the root of all evils.

Recently, my parents decided that since I'm an "adult," they want me to start paying my own bills. Fair enough. However, how am I supposed to save to move out when 25% of my monthly pay goes to health insurance and another 25% goes to daily expenses (parking, gas, etc.). I'm left with approximately 50% of my after taxes pay to save for my eventual move out. And that doesn't even allot for things that aren't regular bills, like car insurance.

I think the thing that pisses me off is not what percentage of the money I'm losing, it's where it's going. By moving closer to my job, I can cut the daily expenses by almost 67%. It is not good for my budget to drive 30 miles each direction for work, with gas prices and parking. Remember how I said I have 50% of my after tax pay? ALL of that is being saved for moving out. Well, not all of it. More like 90%. I think this feels more like a slap in the face because of how much spending I've cut on things that I want. Games that I have spent months, hell, one was even 4 YEARS of waiting. I'm only buying 1 or 2 of them. Specifically, the ones with pre-order bonuses that I can't get if I wait to buy the game (and I actually want).

Needless to say, moving out is priority number one right now. I'm sacrificing almost everything else I like that costs money. I'm just pissed off because I keep seeing road block after road block appear and the only solutions are either wait it out, or get a second job. As time goes by, that second option is looking less and less like the undesirable option...

money, parents, job, games

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