the past few days haven't been too exciting. i have been hanging out with my ex, kevin a lot. and i don't know what's going on there. but yeah. it's still confusing and i know he still has feelings for me, but he just barely broke up with his g/f-(she cheated on him, that bitch)-so he just wants to start out like we did before. which is fine by me. i just keep realizing how much i miss him. and i hope we do get back together. and he told me that if we hung out a lot like we used to, then he was almost positive we would get back together. so there is hope.
but enough about that. my christmas was pretty cool. besides my family, i had a pretty good time. got lots of goodies. but the best thing i got was my how to deal dvd. i frickin love that movie. i think i have watched it 6 times since i got it, haha. i also got a mini fridge, a camera-(which i lurve), a really cool lamp, the hobbit, and really freackin awesome mini decorative ship, to name a few. all in all, it was the best christmas-gift wise-in many years.
then that nite, i hung out with kevin and it was the nite of all the crazy ass snow. and we got stuck like 4 times. it was insane....insane FUN that is.
p.s.-everyone wish my parents a happy ex-anniversary. they would have been married 23 years today (the 27th).
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