My New House & An Unexpected Surprise

Sep 09, 2023 11:43

I’m in my new house!!! I closed on the house on July 24th and I moved in on August 12th. I love living in my own home! I was able to get into Harvey, North Dakota and I’m doing well in the community. I’ve made some friends and I found a church that is actually really welcoming towards those with disabilities. I have several ideas of what I want to do with my house over the next year and I’m hoping that I can get them done.

Jake is still stuck at the modern day institution because none of the providers will take him due to his previous issues with law enforcement. Jake is on the registry for a really stupid reason; he had consensual sex with his then girlfriend when they were 19 years old and she made up a story about him raping her. Six years after he was convicted, placed on the registry, and put in the modern day institution; she admitted to police that she made up the story because Jake was going to break up with her. The girl was never charged with anything nor was she reprimanded in any way shape or form. There is a large part of me that wants to find out who this girl is so that I can have a nice ‘chat’ with her. Jake’s only options to get out are if his parents/guardians take him back(which they refuse to do and I’m hoping I can convince them otherwise), if he is moved to the dangerous sex offender area of the state hospital in Jamestown(he’d be killed within a week as he’d be seen as fresh meat to them and I would go after everyone with no qualms whatsoever about how I would avenge his death), or if he’s moved out of state(which I really really really hope they don’t do because that would destroy him on every level and I would be making national headlines for a really bad reason). Jake must also continue to see his ‘institution approved’ girlfriend and that is wrong on so many levels as it’s detrimental to both of them on all aspects. I’m hoping that I can get him here to Harvey within the next year.

Now for the unexpected surprise; I was forced to resign from my job at the state on August 25th because my now former boss was able to convince the head of the DD Council that I was a bad influence on the state sponsored self-advocacy group and that I might be a predator because of everything with Jake. I’m telling most people that it was downsizing so that way I don’t have to explain the situation with Jake and so they don’t have to find out about all the other things that my former boss and former crazy coworker put me through. Jake’s staff is on my side with this situation as they’ve had way too many issues with them and Jake refuses to have anything to do with them because of how they’ve treated both of us. I was told that if I ever go to a meeting or conference again, I’ll be immediately arrested along with anyone else who is with me. I have no desire to go there because I don’t need the hassle and I don’t want Jake to somehow get in trouble as well. I’m currently looking for a job and I have two interviews lined up next week; the one on Monday is a second interview for a disability provider in Harvey(I really hope that I get this one) and the one on Wednesday is with the hospital for the switchboard operator position(it was the only one that didn’t require a minimum bachelors degree and/or required you to lift at least 50 lbs; I’d be fine with this job as it would be a career change and I wouldn’t have nearly as much stress as I do now). I’m really hoping that I get one of the jobs so I’m not forced to sell my house and become homeless again; I’ve had quite a few people be hostile towards me and have gone into ‘I told you so!!’ mode with me because of what happened. I’m keeping my head low so I don’t incur anymore wrath from people. I’ll let you know what happens in my next post.
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