Seriously 2020, Can You Please Stop, For The Love of God, Please STOP!!!!

Aug 23, 2020 11:59

As for pretty much everyone in the universe, 2020 has been an incredibly shitty year. Everything from a global pandemic to what seems like every known possible sign that the four horsemen of the apocalypse are on their way to make a rather grand entrance, 2020 has really hit everyone hard.

For the first couple of months after the lockdowns started, it was really difficult for me to do much of anything as I don't have a license and the buses, taxis, and even ridesharing apps were shutdown here in Bismarck, North Dakota. I managed to eke in a couple rides so I could get my yearly ultrasound done on the thyroid nodule I have and so I could get what little personal goods I could find. I was at least able to get groceries delivered, however, I had to really stretch them out because of the long wait times in between deliveries, which meant I skipped breakfast and lunch most days and if things were questionable yet somewhat okay to eat, I had to do so because I didn't know when I'd be able to get groceries delivered again. I also had to take on the jobs of 12 other people as while I still had a job, everyone else decided to take an 'extended vacation' and because I'm a freelance consultant, I had no say in the matter because I'd lose my job and would become homeless(and just its been since day 1, I wasn't paid for any of it as I'm only allowed to clock in for 2 hours a day, 5 days a week at 10.00/hr). May was its usual difficult as hell month for me due to it being when the most severe abuse I endured in the group home from hell happened and it was the closest I came to dying from it. It was compounded this year by May 10th being the one year anniversary of my uncle Mark's murder by his son Christopher and because its 2020, it landed on Mother's Day this year. At the end of May, the buses, taxis, and ridesharing apps were allowed to resume in Bismarck, which made things a lot easier for me. For the first month that the bus was operational, I didn't have to pay anything, which was nice because the banks were still closed and there was no way for me to get quarters for bus fare. Little did I know that a coin shortage was going to rear its ugly head as when fares resumed on July 1st, I had to scramble to several banks just to get two rolls of quarters as one ride costs 1.50 and it can get spendy pretty quickly. This month has been pretty shitty as well. My cousin's trial was finally supposed to start this month, but no, someone at the courthouse had to test positive for the corona virus and now his trial is indefinitely postponed! My family wants his trial over with so we can move on to further the healing process and my cousin has been making this incredibly difficult for us. While there's nothing anyone can do about the person who tested positive for the corona virus, there has to be something that can be done for all the delaying tactics he's been doing and for his refusal to take his schizophrenia medication. The delaying tactics he's deployed are trying to see how many lawyers he can fire before the judge throws out the case(that's the main tactic he's using), finding every baseless test he can get tested for in the hopes that he'll be able to just be at the state hospital for 18 months and walk out with his record expunged(in North Dakota, if he can be declared insane, he'll only have to be at the state hospital for 18 months and he can walk out of there and his record is immediately expunged), and seeing how long he delay the trial in general before the judge decides to throw out the case out of pure frustration. We're really worried about how things are going to end up and we fear that he may get acquitted of murdering my uncle because of all the delay tactics he's deployed.

With September fast approaching, I think we all feel as though we deserve a much needed break, however, because its 2020, that's not going to happen at all and if anything, things will ramp up something fierce. There's not much left for 2020 to throw at us, so with that in mind, I have a few things that I'd like to see personally as at least then I'll know that 2020 has truly made its mark:
1. Godzilla makes an appearance. I've had that on my office pool sheet since May, plus it'd be the last cool thing I saw before I get squashed.
2. All DC superheroes and supervillains and all Marvel superheroes and supervillains become real and start some weird end of the world war, complete with the Antichrist and Jesus appearing at some point.
3. I somehow get a giant windfall and I'm able to finally have a supervillain lair in the Carpathian Mountains.
4. An earthquake happens here in North Dakota. I found out recently that there are several fault lines here in North Dakota and that we get earthquakes here every 10-20 years and we're overdue for one. Can it be at least a 6 on the Richter scale? That way it'd be 2020 worthy and because there's a good chance I wouldn't survive it as nothing around here is the least bit earthquake proof.
5. An epic tornado outbreak happens here in North Dakota. We've been gypped way too many times when it comes to severe weather here in the Bismarck area and it'd be awesome to see a tornado in person(plus it'd be possible for me to go to the land of Oz with the way 2020 is going).
6. All cartoon characters become real and either join in on #2 or they become regular everyday citizens.
7. Dingo Pictures releases a bunch of theatrical films. They're a guilty pleasure of mine, plus they'd probably make quite a bit of money as there's not many things in the theater right now.
8. A hurricane forms and makes landfall in an area that is usually not feasible possible at all(for example the Arctic Ocean). It'd be a really cool weather phenomenon to see, plus its 2020 so anything is possible.
9. Weird Al Yankovic either hosts next years Oscars, wins an Oscar, plays the halftime show at the next Super Bowl, hosts and plays on Saturday Night Live, or has a huge blockbuster film next year. He's my favorite musician and it'd be really awesome if at least one of those things happened to him.
10. If we all have to go out in some huge epic exit, it's either #2 or a black hole that spits out asteroids the size of Jupiter comes barreling at us without warning.

2021 better not be like its older siblings 2019 and 2020 because no wants a shitty trilogy of years and no one wants 2021 to try to top what 2020 has done so we better sit 2021 down and have an intervention with 2021 on a universal scale because that might be the only way we can escape a trilogy of shitty years that no one in their right mind would ever want on Blu Ray, DVD, or streaming device.
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