Quote directed at some morons I talked to about the value of science.

Sep 25, 2007 15:31

As Richard Dawkins has said: "Science is really interesting, and if you don't agree, you can fuck off"

I simply cannot believe that in this day and age that these two guys I was talking with actually doubt the ability of science to explain the NATURAL world. Science doesn't need to explain God because that is not the purpose of science! Religion does that perfectly well. Why must people be subjected to the religious who espouse half-baked notions of how they THINK the world works and has no basis in actual observed facts? If you don't want to believe in Evolution, fine, but you must be aware that every shred of evidence does not support your view. Just because you don't believe in Evolution doesn't mean it didn't happen. just as just because you don't believe the hands on a clock move, doesn't mean that they don't.
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