(1 video - a first attempt)

Dec 06, 2005 15:06

Originally crossposted to lazycrack & lazytown.

Fandom: LazyTown (aka. Latibaer)
Song: "Dream A Dream" - by Captain Jack (from DDR 4th mix)
Clips: from various LJ sources, since I can't make my own clips *snifflies*
Summary: Poor little Stephanie can't even have any schmooopy, girly dreams about her pweeecious Sportakook without a good lookin' guy getting in and messing things up. Nyah nyah!!! >:P~ (Yeah, good-looking... in that 'bad boy' sorta way...)
Note: This is my first vid and it's a crack!vid. So, go ahead - point and laugh. I'll be laughing right along with ya! ^_~

Still images by me.
"Dancing Duel" clips from sedynnet.
"You Are A Pirate" clips from LazyTown.com.

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videos, lazytown

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