A little bit of loose-end tidying I forgot the other day: Following discussion of the Peanut Butter Heresy
a while back,
ringbark insisted I should try Reese's Pieces.
While I was in Whitby, I popped into one of the look-massive-jars sweetshops on the East side (
keris made me) and discovered they also had a bunch of American import sweets. I don't wish to give the impression that I'll follow any instruction issued on the internet by a person I have never met[*] but I immediately purchased a packet.
They are indeed like Smarties to look at, though in line with Reese's branding they only come in orange, yellow and brown. Instead of having chocolate insides, they are filled with massively oversweetened peanut butter.
And do you know what? They're bloody marvellous. I didn't read the nutritional information on the packet because I figured it would be terrifying. And having them for breakfast on Monday was probably a mistake.
But I concede that Ringbark is completely correct, they are way better than the peanut-butter cup things.
[*] I mean, it's pretty much true, but I don't wish to give that impression :)