Wow. It's very exciting. At least, it is if you're me. For the first time that I've ever noticed,
Jez Lowe is playing in London. On Friday.
And he's bringing the Bad Pennies with him.
And it's in King's Place, which is a lovely venue.
Jez Lowe is a traditional-sounding folk songwriter from the North East. If - like me - you grew up hanging out in folk clubs in Durham then you will have slowly spent your life discovering that half the songs you thought were traditional were actually written by him.
I think his best-known song is probably
Greek Lightning, though it's one I only met relatively recently. Annoyingly, YouTube doesn't seem to want to furnish me with the (rather dafter) song I wanted to link to, about a dog that wouldn't bark.
Anyway, if you like good song-writing, folk-style music, or stripey t-shirts I highly recommend it. Tickets available from