Hello LJ. Are you looking for a way to waste time today?
You are?
Last night, Sally asked me whether I'd seen the Look for Longer posters on the Tube.
I had not.
Shame, she said, she couldn't solve the last few.
Look, she said, it's online. It's a big picture[*] containing various images designed to represent Tube stations. The online version is clickable, and will tell you when you've solved them correctly.
Which explains why, at twenty to two this morning, Sally and I were sitting on the sofa with glasses of wine (and a cat, who was not helpful) shouting tube stations at each other.
You can find the puzzle
Warning: at least some of the ones I've found so far are a bit tenuous. I accept no responsibility. And if anyone can explain Hainault to me, that'd be lovely.
[*] Interestingly, as soon as I saw it, I said "I bet that's something to do with Virgin". It reminded me very much of a
similar scene containing images representing bands which they produced a few years ago.