A boring request: does anyone live in an area, or organise their life, such that they are likely to be going to Lakeside IKEA in the reasonably near future?
If anyone meets those criteria, and feels they are either likely or willing to meet up with me sometime thereafter, could they pick something small(ish) up for me, please?
What I would like are two glass shelves in the TRÄBY range. The shelves are (very) approximately a foot square, and are light enough to carry a little distance (though heavy enough that you probably wouldn't want to take them on a long expedition).
Further information:
The TRÄBY range has been discontinued (bastards - just when we'd decided to build an extensive selection of furniture out of it). Only Lakeside, in the entire country, has the shelves. Other stores have other miscellaneous bits of the range.
Yes, I could drive there myself. I might do that. Or I might not, since fundamentally the shelves aren't very visible and could probably be improvised with hardboard. Hence asking if anyone's going to Lakeside anyway, I don't expect someone else to make a special journey.
No, we can't persuade IKEA to send them to somewhere more local to us, we've tried. No, we can't order them online.