Why don't you shut the door, and close the curtains?

Feb 23, 2011 10:57

I have an enquiry of a delicate nature.

I'm having difficulty finding bras which I like. At some point in the last few years, the fashion industry declared that if you are any smaller than a DD, you'll be wanting to conceal this dangerous information with a bra which is padded, shaped, and various other things.

If you go somewhere cheap and nasty like Primark, every single bra available A-C will have impressive cleavage all by itself, without even a person in it. It's terrifying. If you go somewhere posh and pricey... well, it's a little better. But even then the unpadded bras will be embroidered, beaded, be-ribboned and generally all a bit much. Most stages between Primark and posh seem similarly afflicted.

A few places will have, tucked away at the back, a small display of boxed, cheap, dead-plain bras. They won't be execiting, or available in anything other than white, but they will be functional. Interestingly, the mother reports a recent haul from this department of M&S included a bra which (in very small print) had the warning "do not wear for more than 8 hours". We could only deduce it was due to the non-slip coating on the inside of the straps, which was akin to the odd rubbery stuff they put on hold-ups. Which, incidentally, doesn't work; but I digress.

So I turn to you, the bra-wearing section of the LJ-reading public, to help out. Where can I find "nice" underwear, preferably the sort for which one can buy matching pants, which isn't padded? I'm happy with underwiring, I just don't require gel-filled, air-filled or anything-else-filled enhancement. (Except, of course, according to the underwear-making world I do require it. I just don't want it.)

I'd prefer a real live shop, as buying things which need to fit well online is a bit of a gamble.

clothes, questions, shopping, pants

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