It's Friday, it's about 5 o'clock. Which is a bit late, yes, I realise. But it's Christmas Eve, everything works a bit differently and I hereby declare: It's time to go underneath the covers (with the lights out).
I always recommend listening to a cover version without knowing what or who it is, so click on the link before reading ahead...
Today's cover version [link to mp3 download expired]
That was Helen Love covering Merry Christmas (I Don't Want To Fight Tonight),
originally by The Ramones Well, let's face it, it was either this or some dreadful version of Frosty the Snowman (are there any non-dreadful versions of that? Discuss).
And I quite like this. I like both versions. I still think the lyrics sound more like something Helen Love would have written ("where is Rudolph? where is Blitzen, baby?") than a Ramones song. Splicing in bits of other songs always cheers me up, too.
This song is a Helen Love single from ages ago - or possibly a downloadable, or a free downloadable, or maybe even all of the above. Helen Love is great. And bit prone to occasionally issuing random free songs for download. Also a bit prone to never doing live gigs. Grr.
Anyway, If you fancy having some bubble gum punk pop of your very own, I recommend starting with
Love and Glitter, Hot Days and Muzik