So, when we moved into this flat last year, the central heating wasn't working. I googled around and found a small, local, family-run firm which specialises in Ideal boilers (a friendly plumber having advised that our particular model of boiler was a bit of a problem-child that might need a specialist). Someone popped round and fixed it under an hour, having produced the replacement part from the van.
About a fortnight ago, I booked an annual boiler service. The lady on the phone explained to me that a booking could only be provisional, because they were having a lot of cold-weather-related emergencies, was that OK? I said it was OK. She said we would ring me on the 26th to confirm.
She rang me on the 26th. She suggested they come between 10am and midday, was that OK? I said it was OK.
Today, someone rang me to cofirm they'd be arriving around 11:40am, was that OK? It was OK.
Then they arrived... at about 11:40. In fact there were two of them, one of whom was very obviously in training. They were both polite and friendly, did the job quickly without making any mess, and said thank you nicely for their tea. I asked some questions and they gave me sensible answers.
This should not be remarkable. However, I'm used to dealing with the likes of ntl and British Gas, who tell (don't ask) you that they will turn up between 8am and 7pm on a given day. Then don't. The idea of a firm that promises to ring you back at a particular time and then does so was quite a surprise in itself.
Admittedly I didn't actually test this company's flexibility by declining the first appointment offered, but the people I spoke to did give the impression that if it had not been OK there would have been alternatives.
Normally people only post to LJ about companies to tell ranty tales of failure. I thought, just for once, I'd commend a company who've been all-round excellent.
The short version is if you live in West London and require Stuff done with your boiler, I highly recommend these people: