These words should never be spoken

Feb 13, 2008 11:46

OK, as promised last week following the lyrics quiz: more on (She Don't Use) Jelly.

Here's the version of it which I know:

Drugstore - (She Don't Use) Jelly

If you fancy joining in a silly game, then listen to it before reading on.

One of the reasons I like this song is because - once you've heard the first verse and worked out the format of the lyrics - you spend all your time trying to work out what the pay-off word at the end of the verse will be. Or I do, anyway.

Here's the lyrics:

I know a guy who
Goes to shows
He makes me coffee
He makes me toast
He don't use butter
He don't use cheese
He don't use jelly
Or any of these
He uses vaseline

I know a guy who
Goes to shows
But when he's at home and
Blows his nose
He don't use tissues
Or his sleeves
He don't use napkins
Or any of these
He uses magazines

I know a girl who
Reminds me of Cher
She's always changing
The colour of her hair
She don't use nothing
From The store
She Likes to keep her hair / Real orange
She uses tangerines

The trouble is, of course, that I now know how each verse ends. So if this song needs anything, I think it's more verses.

Here's my first attempt:

I know a girl/ she likes to get real high.
She's always jumping / right to the sky.
She don't use a pogo stick / she don't use springs.
She don't use any / of those jumping things.
She uses...

Last word left as an exercise for the comment-poster :)

You are invited to post your own verses here. Scansion and rhyming seem pretty optional, so long as you can vaguely make it fit the tune. I recommend leaving out the last word and waiting for others to post their suggestions of how they think you intended your verse to end.

silly games

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