Nov 02, 2004 19:05
My stomach is in turmoil from this election. I seriously can't handle another 4 years of Bush, and now that he will be untethered by having to win another election... I can only imagine the horrors he could inflict upon us and the rest of the world. We could pull out of his pet war tomorrow and I promise you that he would be in another within a week. He needs a war to keep our eyes focused oversee's and blind to what's going on down the street. Everyday I watch our economy go fall. 11 year low (Meaning the only time it was lower was when his daddy was in power). What will come next for America if he wins... Bankruptcy. If his oil friends from the middle east pulled their investments out of America, we would collapse tomorrow. Bush doesn't care, as long as the sanctity of His marriage is protected by preventing others to be happily married. Gods forbid there be more love in the world, let's drop some more bombs! Anyway... I go now...