Jul 03, 2007 12:10
Strain this chaos turn it into light
I've got to see you one last night
Lots of life altering things have happened within the past 15 days or so.
Victor and his mother, who took care of my Dad in Mexico City when he needed to get back on his feet have found out that he used to be in a band, and their trying to track down the recordings. I'm crossing my fingers.
Dick moved out and in doing so sort of burned his bridges, but that's alright. I still love his family.
I have realized that I have been "burning the candle at both ends" and realized that it's pretty hard to stop and I do have to find out how to handle my scheduele better.
I still like working at FYE but after working at the Woodbridge store, discovered that having one job is sufficient.
Jill came home! With a digeridoo! (sp?)
Material wise, this is the first time me and my mom are not struggling anymore. I can't say why, but it's thanks to my Dad,
And while I feel relieved of so much, the means by which we have come out of our past 12 year struggle is not the way I would have chosen; I would rather have him here.
I know its hard to read and understand but I can't say it outright.
And with that, my room will be painted (finally!), new bedsheets abd I'm getting a preowned 2004 Honda Civic EX this Thursday (thank you Jill and Panda!), and our sink doesn't leak anymore.
As for trips, I'm planning a weeklong one to Puerto Rico at the end of August and Otakon is in 16 days, and I don't think life can get any better.
And remember, that a lotus always grows from the mud.