aaand another quiz... I'm so hardcore bored :P

Nov 08, 2005 13:35


{ :FaVoRiTeS: }
1.- School Subject?
2.- Soda Pop?:: pepsi
3.- Alchy Drink?:: oooh... bring on the eristoff ice
4.- Zoo Animal?:: um...weird about snakes?
5.- Restaraunt?:: my best friend's house xD
6.- Fast Food Place?:: Burger King!
7.- Website?:: don't really use any xcept lj
8.- Actress?:: duunno... keira knightley
9.- Actor?:: johnny depp
10.- Victoria Secret Scent?:: pffft... don't give u pick one
11.- Friend?:: angelaaa
12.- Sport To Watch?:: soccer
13.- Sport To Play?:: baseball
14.- Shoes?:: my him adios
15.- Picture You Own?:: none
16.- Concert You've Attended?:: the one I'm going to attend is gonna beat 'em all! but 'till then: my chemical romance
17.- Grade You've Been In?:: pfft... 8th
18.- Book You've Read?:: Dan Brown: Da Vinci Code
19.- Place To Hang?:: pubs... yaaah...
20.- Nail Polish Color?:: dark red *I know I know*
21.- Accessery?:: my sweatbands
22.- Instrument?:: mah drums
23.- Cell Phone Ringtone?:: Korn- Fuck that
24.- Vacation You've Had?:: Floridaaaa...
25.- Moment In Time/Memory?:: urgh... no idea
26.- Candy Bar?:: i don't like candy. just CHOCOLATTEEE
27.- Feeling?:: when you kiss someone you've had a crush on for ages for the first time

{ :RaNdOm: }
28.- Can You See Yourself Getting Married?:: yeah...why not
29.- Is Chewing Gum A Habit?:: yup
30.- Do You Like Drama?:: hehe pretty much
31.- What Are Some Of Your Hobbies?:: fucking things up
32.- Do You Love Your Cell Phone?:: yeaah totally it's sacred
33.- Music = Love?:: DEFINATELY
34.- Are You A Spoiled Bitch?:: nope
35.- Do You Need 100 Friends?:: nah
36.- If You Could Marry AIM, Would You?:: nhuh?
37.- Have You Ever Been In Love?:: oui
38.- Are You Sexually Active?:: hehehe... possibly...yeah...
39.- Do You Like School?:: not so bad
40.- Have You Ever Wanted To Die?:: O_o
41.- Would You Conside Yourself A Rebel?:: if you say so
42.- Are Your Friends Younger Then You?:: like 2 or 3
43.- Do You Think You're Emo?:: if you say so
45.- Does It Piss You Off That I Skipped A Number?:: i don't give a fuck about numbers
46.- Are You Really Smart?:: oh well i try
47.- Is Harassing People Your Hobby?:: nah...
48.- Do You Prefer Wearing No Clothes?:: no
49.- Do You Actually Like This Quiz?:: it's LOOONG
50.- Who Do You Think Your Prettiest Friend Is?:: my friends are all ugly :P naah Karen
51.- Have You Ever Been Led On?:: nope
52.- You Wear A Lot Of Make-up Don't You?:: a bit
53.- Do You Get Along With Everyone?:: hell no

{ :MoRrEe: }
*Three Movies You Want To See*
54.- hm...corpse bride
55.- hp4
56.- you pick one xD

*Five Favorite Bands*
57.- HIM <3
58.- My Chemical Romance
59.- Dimmu Borgir
60.- The Killers
61.- Cradle of Filth

*Four Main Make-up Accesseries*
62.- eyeliner
63.- mascara
64.- powder
65.- lippy

*Six Favorite Songs*
66.- Stigmata Diaboli- HIM
67.- Hang 'em High- My Chemical Romance
68.- Sweet Dreams- Marilyn Manson
69.- Burn In Hell- Dimmu Borgir
70.- Somebody Told Me- The Killers
71.- Bittersweet- Apocalyptica, Ville Valo and Lauri Ylönen

{ :FoOd: }
*What Do You Normally Get At...*
72.- McDonald's?:: buh... McChicken
73.- Burger King?:: random whopper
74.- Wendy's?:: mmmh... that's always a totally random decision
75.- Arby's?:: curly fries
76.- Taco Bell?:: quesidillas
77.- Steak n Shake?:: double burger and milkshake dude
78.- Olive Garden?:: pft... i never go there
79.- Red Lobster?:: see above
80.- Applebees?:: hmm...tough one
81.- Quaker Steak n Lube?:: chicky wings
82.- Chinese Joints?:: ugh dunno
83.- Pizza Hut?:: random cheese pizza

{ :FuTuRe: }
84.- What Do You Want To Be?:: urgh dunno...something that pays alot ;)
85.- Do You Want Kids?:: yeah i guess i do
86.- How Many Kids, If Yes?:: 2
87.- What Would You Name Your Girl/s?:: Serafina
88.- And If You Had A Boy/s?:: Tristan
89.- Are You Planning To Be Rich?:: i wish
90.- Do You Want To Get Married?:: yeah why not
91.- What Occupation Would He/She Have?:: ooooh... leadsinger of a band!!! w00t
92.- Where Do You Want To Live?:: PaRiS
93.- Where Do You Want To Visit?:: America
94.- How Do You Want To Die?:: either a natural death when I'm old, or suicide...when I'm young
95.- Should Parents Bury Their Kids?:: wtf....
96.- What Car Would You Drive?:: PT Cruiser... car looks weird but it's cool
97.- Are You Going To Go To College?:: yeea

{ :MoRe RaNdOm: }
98.- Are You Selfish?:: nuh i don't think so
99.- Do You Love Your Parents?:: my dad more than my mom
100.- Spoiled Maybe?:: nah
101.- Do You Have Pets?:: nah
102.- Like To Write?:: hhelll yeaaah
103.- Are You A Virgin?:: nopey
104.- Do You Have Any Siblings?:: halfbro halfsis
105.- If So, Do You Love Them?:: yup
106.- Are You Single Or Taken?:: S1NGL3
107.- Do You Like To Drink Or Smoke?:: yeaaaaah...couldn't live without mah cigs
108.- What Does Your Room Look Like?:: red and black
109.- Summer/Fall/Winter Or Spring?:: FALL ALL THE WAY
110.- Who Do You Find Most Annoying?:: Marian
111.- Do You Sing?:: yeah (COVER YOUR EaRs PEOPLE!)
112.- Are You Obsessive?:: music, cigs...
113.- How Do You Feel About Homosexuality?:: I have nothing against it at all.
114.- Have You Ever Been Grounded?:: well yeah but I just go out anyway
115.- Do You Like Sad Songs?:: yup
116.- Have You Ever Attempted Suicide?:: yup
117.- Would You Consider Yourself Gothic?:: nup
118.- Hats = every so often
119.- Where Do You Shop?:: hottopic, rattlesnake
120.- Are You An Insomniac?:: yup
121.- Piercings?:: yup
122.- Is Kissing Fun?:: yup VERY
123.- <--- Pretty Sweet Number Right?:: okay...if you say so
124.- How Many Times Have You Been Drunk?:: often enough
125.- Do You Like The Rain?:: HELL YESSS
126.- Is Dancing Something Fun?:: ummm if I'm drunk enough
127.- Do You Have A Best Friend Of The Opposite Sex?:: yup
128.- Embarass Easily?:: nah not really
129.- Favorite Saying?:: hmmm...don't have one...xcept WHERE ARE MY CIGS GODDAMMIT!

{ :AbOuT Me: }
130.- Name?:: Roxanne
131.- Birth Date?:: 24/10/1988
132.- Hair Color?:: BLACK BITCH
133.- Natural Hair Color?:: dark brown
134.- Eye Color?:: brown
135.- Contacts/Glasses?:: nup
136.- Ever Had Braces?:: nup
137.- Overweight?:: nup
138.- Shower Daily?:: yup
139.- Play Sports?:: baseball
140.- Do You Swear?:: hell yeah bitch
141.- Wear Makeup?:: yup
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