Character Name: Spider-Woman/Jessica Drew
Player: Amit
New Character LJ Name:
venom_blast Base of Operations: Formerly San Francisco, currently New York City.
Sample Post:
“Why don’t you quip like your boyfriend?!” Princess Python yelled in what was quickly becoming an annoying French accent at Spider-Woman as she aimed a would-be lethal kick towards Spider-Woman’s midsection. It was a bad kick, one thrown in intense fear, and Spider-Woman easily dodged it, grabbing the raised leg instead. Firmly gripping it, Spider-Woman brought herself down and used her momentum to overthrow Princess Python. The woman in green flew over Spider-Woman and landed down on her back next to her twenty-five foot long pet python, which Spider-Woman had knocked out with the help of one of her bio-electric venom blasts.
Spider-Woman stalked over to Princess Python, her full lips set in a thin line as she knelt next to the woman, her gloved hands glowing with the light, sage green glow of her venom blasts. “He’s not my boyfriend, Zelda, and quipping isn’t quite my style,” she said as she raised her hands over the woman. “Try anything and I’ll blast you the same way I blasted your little buddy here.”
“I-I wouldn’t dream of trying anything,” the woman said, her voice quivering with fear. It was weird. When Spider-Woman was standing far away from the villainess earlier, the woman seemed cocky and confident, yet now that they were in close proximity, the woman seemed positively fearful of Spider-Woman.
“Says the woman who tried to kill me only moments ago because I stopped a half-assed attempt at a bank robbery.” Spider-Woman raised an eyebrow, though she knew that Princess Python wouldn’t see it through Spider-Woman’s mask. “Jeez, what is it with you snake or spider themed villains anyway? You, HYDRA in general, Venom, She-Venom, Black Tarantula, Blood Spider…can’t you guys be original?”
“Th-this from the w-woman who dresses as though she’s Spi-spider-Man’s amour,” Princess Python murmured, intent on having the final word while trying for one last shot at bravery. It didn’t work. Something about Spider-Woman caused a deep dislike in her, and she wanted the woman gone as soon as possible.
“Oh, you bitch,” Spider-Woman replied, shooting a small charge of bio-electric energy down at the woman. It was just enough to knock her out, which was a good thing, considering that Spider-Woman didn’t think the New York City police would take too kindly to her. After all, they weren’t big fans of Spider-Man, and though she really wasn’t connected to him, they didn’t know that.
Apparently a lot of people didn’t know that.
Cursing under her breath, Spider-Woman bent her knees and was about to push up when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around to come face to face with a very non-descript looking police officer.
“Excuse me, ma’am,” he said, his voice gruff, “Would you be able to…come to dinner with me tonight at the Waldorf=Astoria?”
Spider-Woman bit down on her lip and shut her eyes for a moment. It slowly dawned on her what had been happening with Princess Python, and She-Venom earlier that week, why they’d seemed so downright fearful of her. Her pheromone powers, the ones that repelled women but attracted men, were returning. At full blast.
She cursed under her breath. She hated those powers, she really did. She’d never been able to control them, and all they had ever caused her were problems.
“Sorry, Officer Greenwalt,” Spider-Woman said, looking at his badge, “I’m afraid that’d be too expensive for you, and too unreasonable for me.” Spider-Woman placed a hand on his shoulder and gave him a soft smile, trying to let him down easily. “But you might want to get this one to Ryker’s as soon as possible. Alone. The snake would probably be better off in San Diego.” Shooting him another smile, Spider-Woman stepped away from him and bent her knees again, pushing up into the air and away from the crime scene.
Jessica Drew still didn’t feel comfortable in New York City. She knew that was wrong, considering the fact that she’d worked as a private eye there for a few months already, and that she was based there as an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D, but she had done all of that on the ground, in her civvies. It wasn’t like San Francisco, a city whose skies she had glided through as Spider-Woman, keeping vigil over it and ensuring that nothing bad ever went down. To be completely honest, Jessica wasn’t even sure why she had moved to New York in the first place. Maybe it was to be closer to friends like Carol Danvers and Jennifer Walters. Or maybe it was to get away from all of the heavy baggage that San Francisco seemed to carry.
But she was wearing her Spider-Woman suit once more, her long, tousled black locks flowing freely in the mid-morning breeze as she came to a stop and clung to the side of the Chrysler Building, taking in the scene below her. New York was completely different from this vantage point. It glittered and shone in a way that it didn’t when you were walking its streets all the way down below. For a moment, as Jessica peered through the white lenses on her red, yellow, and black mask, she understood why heroes like Spider-Man, Dr. Strange, and the Fantastic Four loved New York as much as they did. It really was a spectacular city, with a surging power unlike the calm, cool power that San Francisco had. It was full of a life so vibrant that for a moment, Jessica faltered. She wouldn’t own this city, too many people had laid their claim in it, but she didn’t want to own it anyway. She had done that with San Francisco, and after awhile, it had become almost too much to bear, especially since the loss of Magnus, whom she still thought of from time to time. No, she preferred this, working with others to keep the city safe. She may not be part of any team, like the Avengers or the Fantastic Four, but she was a hero, dammit. Besides, Jessica felt she needed this to clear her mind from all things S.H.I.E.L.D and HYDRA. Both of those organizations were praying on her mind, and she needed something to work out her frustrations over both of them while she felt like she was actually doing something good for the world.
Being Spider-Woman again would let her do that. And with the power boost that HYDRA had given her, she might be even better at it now than she was years ago. And that was something.
If only she could do something about the pheromone powers that seemed to be returning.
Jessica took in a deep breath, enjoying the taste of the thin, cool air that the height afforded her. It was much less smoggy than the air down there, and Jessica enjoyed that. It almost reminded her of the air on Mt. Wundagore, which isn’t something she liked to think of too much. A lot of tragedy was connected to that place, a lot of tragedy that had the potential to scar Jessica even more if she really thought about that place any more than she already had.
Taking in one more lungful of air, Jessica let go of the building and flew, relying a little on the wind currents to let her swoop over the city. She prayed that she didn’t run into Spider-Man. Though she knew he didn’t mind her using the name he had allowed her to use, there were other women after her who had used the name, and she was sure that it irked him just the slightest bit. Then again, it wasn’t like she’d given them permission to use it, and she doubted Spider-Man himself had either.
Spider-Woman circled around the Empire State Building, idly wondering if the Hulk would ever pull a King Kong there - not remembering if he ever had - and then pulled a left towards the Baxter Building, headquarters of the Fantastic Four. Her thoughts began to drift back to her early days as Spider-Woman, back to when she had thought she was in love with S.H.I.E.L.D agent Jerry Hunt, and when she’d had a great friend in Lindsay McCabe, and…just an easier life.
When had things gotten so screwed up?
She didn’t have time to answer that question, because a resounding explosion cut into her quiet time. Her curiosity getting the better of her, Jessica dove down towards the general area from where the explosion had come, deciding that maybe she needed to talk to someone about her issues, someone who could help her get through them and get her life back on track.
But first, duty called.
Other Information
I'm a big fan of the old 1970's Spider-Woman series, back when she was just learning about who she was, what her powers were, and what being a superhero meant to Jessica Drew. This wasn't a life she had asked for, but it was one she was thrown into without even remembering what kind of life she had ever wanted in the first place. I want to sort of go back to that time period in her life where she's still searching for her identity, to the point of having it pull her in three different directions - her past with HYDRA; her present as an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D as she plays double agent for them with HYDRA, unsure of where her true loyalties lie; and her role as Spider-Woman, which combines her past, her present, and hopefully creates a future in which she knows who she is and what she wants and isn't so lost and upset. She has the potential for greatness, but that's always been skewered by everyone from her parents to even Jerry Hunt, her ex-boyfriend, and though she's had people who have believed in her, Jessica has never quite believed in herself enough. She knows that she can do it, but when you have someone whose trust is broken over and over and over again, you start to lose a little bit of yourself in that process, and you start questioning everything, including yourself.
I'm interested in doing a few different kinds of stories with Jessica, from the straight up superhero tales to the more spy-related S.H.I.E.L.D stuff, to even silly fluffy things, if any. I want to take her back and make her into the hero that she was meant to be, to have her start out as this confused young woman and become this kick-ass heroine that she knows that she is inside, but who she has never been able to become because of all the losses she has suffered. I want to show that she's a woman who's had all the odds against her, who's had parents who saw her as a science experiment, a lover who betrayed her, and a second lover who might only have been attracted to her because of her pheromone powers, together with so many other losses - only to come out completely on top because even though she lost a lot, within all of those losses, she gained something else - herself. Her true self that she's been trying to find for all these years.