Leigh!fic- Harry Potter Hump Day Drabbles

Mar 27, 2010 22:40

Title: Harry Potter Hump Day Drabbles
Author: Leigh, aka leigh_adams
Drabble Pairings:  Stewart Ackerly/Katie Bell, Ernie Macmillan/Lisa Turpin, Zacharias Smith/Natalie McDonald, Padma Patil/Unknown, Lee Jordan/Katie Bell, Stephen Cornfoot/Cassandra Montgomery, Justin Finch-Fletchley/Natalie McDonald, Adrian Pucey/Pansy Parkinson, Cedric Diggory/Padma Patil, Blaise Zabini/Daphne Greengrass
Rating: Teen - Adult
Author’s Notes: I should have done this a long, long time ago. These are all drabbles written for hp_humpdrabbles , which I shall be archiving here.

1. Stewart Ackerly/Katie Bell  Prompt: Call My Name by Charlotte Church
2. Ernie Macmillan/Lisa Turpin  Prompt: body paint
3. Zacharias Smith/Natalie McDonald  Prompt: pillow talk
4. Padma Patil/Unknown  Prompt: silk
5. Lee Jordan/Katie Bell  Prompt: marshmallows
6. Stephen Cornfoot/Cassandra Montgomery Prompt: diamonds
7. Justin Finch-Fletchley/Natalie McDonald  Prompt: teeth
8. Stewart Ackerly/Katie Bell  Prompt: wedding
9. Ernie Macmillan/Lisa Turpin  Prompt: War In Your Bedroom by A Change of Pace
10. Stephen Cornfoot/Cassandra Montgomery  Prompt: Nasty Naughty Boy by Christina Aguilera
11. Adrian Pucey/Pansy Parkinson  Prompt: fallen angel
12. Ernie Macmillan/Lisa Turpin  Prompt: pirates
13. Cedric Diggory/Padma Patil  Prompt: Bubbly by Colbie Calliat
14. Stewart Ackerly/Katie Bell  Prompt: office smuts
15. Blaise Zabini/Daphne Greengrass  Prompt: handcuffs

Stewart Ackerly/Katie Bell- Prompt: Call My Name by Charlotte Church

Hands gripped and bodies collided as Katie was pushed against the wall, the hard length of Stewart's body pinning her there. Their lips fused together, her hands went to his belt, smirking in satisfaction when she dropped the wretched thing to the floor.

Impatient hands ripped at clothing, anxious to have skin on skin contact. His hand sneaked under her dress and ripped her knickers off, immediately sliding between her legs and caressing her.

Katie's gasp quickly melded into a moan as she grasped at his biceps, only her firm grip on his arms keeping her from sliding to the floor. She could practically feel his self-satisfied smirk as he tore his lips from hers and trailed them down her neck, lips and teeth littering the smooth skin with bites and kisses. Nipping at his ear, her hands yanked his trousers down his legs.

They didn't even make it to the bedroom for their first time. Sliding his fingers out of her, rough hands gripped at her hips and lifted her, encouraging her to wrap her legs around his waist. Without warning, he slammed into her, making her cry out loudly as her body adjusted to his sudden invasion.

He set a punishing rhythm, fucking her into the wall as his hips thrust into her, strong and sure in his strokes. She writhed against him, raking her nails down his neck as her hips rocked against him. Suddenly, he changed angles, causing each stroke to brush over her sensitive bundle of nerves.

It was enough to send her flying over the edge into pleasure. She moaned his name as her body shuddered around him, riding out her orgasm as he continued to move within her. But the sweetest thing was when she felt him let go himself, releasing into her body. He pressed his face against her neck and moaned her name, prompting a small but genuine smile to grace her lips.

It wasn't love, but it was something.

Ernie Macmillan/Lisa Turpin- Prompt: body paint

"Are you sure about this, love?"

Lisa merely smiled and pushed him back onto the bed, her blue eyes sparkling with mischief as she climbed on top of her boyfriend. "Do me a favor, Ernie, and stop talking." She leaned down and pressed a searing kiss to his lips, drawing back when he began to kiss her back in earnest.

Ernie sighed, and settled for letting his hands rest on her shapely hips. "Do your worst."

Grinning down at him, she leaned over and plucked the small jar of paint off the nightstand and unscrewed the top. "Just for you, I have chocolate body paint," she said as she dipped her finger in the viscous substance.

He didn't respond, choosing instead to slide his hands under the waistband of her shorts, one hand slipping into her knickers.

"Oh," Lisa sighed, eyes sliding shut as her body shuddered, "that's not fair."

Her boyfriend smirked and slid his hands up her hips, peeling her tank top off and tossing it away from the bed. "No, that's fair."

Her brow rose as her lips quirked in a wry smile. Her gaze darted from her boyfriend, to the chocolate, then back to Ernie. A decidedly wicked thought flitted through her mind, and instead of applying the sticky substance to him, she drug her chocolate-coated finger over her torso.

Ernie's mouth went dry as he watched the sweet sauce dribble across Lisa's chest enticingly, slowly dribbling across her pale breasts. She looked like a goddess of pleasure, and who was he to resist her siren's call?

Quickly, before she could react, his hands gripped her hips firmly and flipped them so that he was hovering above her. He snatched the jar of chocolate paint out of her hand and gave her a wicked smirk.

"Ernie, what are you...?" her thought trailed off as he lowered his lips to her chest, dragging his tongue across the chocolate.

With one last lick, he pulled back, a predatory gleam in his brilliant blue eyes. "What should I do with this?" he mused out loud, giving the little jar a thoughtful look. After a pause, he shrugged and turned it upside down, emptying the contents onto Lisa's upper body.

"Lisa, love, look at you," he said with a mock sigh. "You've gone and gotten yourself dirty. What have I told you about that?"

"If you've got such a problem with it," she retorted with a challenging smile, "then why don't you be a gentlemen and..." Whatever she might've said next was cut off by his hands and lips, dragging across her chocolate-slickened skin as he drove all coherent thoughts from her mind.

Zacharias Smith/Natalie McDonald- Prompt: pillow talk

Two eyes followed Natalie's body as she moved across the room, gathering up her clothes which had been strewn here and there. She might have been a class A bitch, but the woman knew how to fuck.

"Not going to stick around for lovey-dovey pillow talk, Mac?" Zach drawled, lounging back against the pillows and lacing his fingers together behind his head.

Natalie snorted. "Are you high, Smith? We don't do pillow talk. We fuck. That's what we do."

"But we fuck in spectacular fashion," he said with a smirk, his hand grabbing her wrist as she passed close to the bed. He yanked her back down on top of him, the clothes she'd been gathering falling back to the floor. "In fact, I think we should do it again."

"What if I don't want...oh," she breathed as he positioned her on top of him and slid into her in a smooth stroke.

"You know you want to," he murmured, leaning up to nip at her bottom lip, hands rough as they found purchase on her hips.

"Shut up and fuck me, Smith."

Padma Patil/Unknown

Her days are filled with work: Floo calls, photo shoots, editorial meetings, and Padma likes it that way. It makes her feel less alone, as if by keeping herself busy, she can forget about the fact that she is completely and utterly alone.

It's at night, when she finally surrenders to sleep's comforting embrace, that the dreams come. Far more erotic and sensual than any actual sexual encounter she's ever had, it makes it easier to push her last time to the back of her mind, to focus on the faceless man whose strong hands caress her body.

In this dream, his hands slide under the silk of her sari, drawing the smooth silk aside as if he were unwrapping a favored Christmas present. His lips caress the smooths skin of her neck, his fingertips finally finding bare skin under the layers of wrapped silk.

She reaches for him, eager hands wanting his skin on hers. It's been so long since she's had a man's hands on her, so long since she's wanted a man's hands on her. And oh, this is Nirvana.

Just before she reaches completion, though, her body's needs sated, she wakes up with a cry. The sheets are wrapped around her trembling body and her chest is heaving with unfulfilled desires.

And she's still alone.

Lee Jordan/Katie Bell- Prompt: marshmallows

When she looked back on the night, she couldn't remember exactly what had sparked it. It had been raining, nay pouring, outside when he'd knocked on her door and stumbled into the flat, water dripping off the end of his dreadlocks.

It was almost impossible to tell that he'd been crying, but Katie knew Lee. His eyes were bloodshot, and warm tears dripped off the end of his nose.

She led him into the sitting room and pushed him down onto the couch, summoning a bottle of firewhiskey and two tumblers from the kitchen. She poured them each two fingers, then held up her glass.

"To Fred," she whispered, her own voice shaky.

"To Fred," he'd echoed before knocking back the warm amber liquid.

A bottle later and Katie was in his lap, her lips fused to his as his hands slid up under her shirt to grasp at her breast, his other hand pulling at the soft material. She helped him slide it up over her head, then reached around to unfasten her bra.

His brown eyes were nearly black as he pulled back to look at her. "Beautiful, Kates," he mumured, his voice husky. Long fingers trailed down to hook in the waistband of her shorts, and he pulled them down as he leaned forward to capture a nipple in his mouth.

Katie gasped and fisted a hand in his hair, holding his dark head to her pale skin. She could feel him hardening beneath her, and she moaned softly. A quick Vanishing charm had his trousers and boxers removed, along with her knickers, and then he's inside of her and it's oh, so perfect.

"Gods, Katie," he bit out when she clenched, his lips trailing along her skin as he thrust up into her, one hand moving to the spot between her legs that he knew made her cry out and shudder.

"Lee," she moaned, lifting herself off him with her thighs then sinking back down, meeting his hips thrust for thrust, "oh god, Lee, please."

He loved it when she called his name like that, pleading for him to bring her to pleasure. It gave him something to hold on to, a reassurance that they'd survived.

"Fall for me, Katie love," he murmured, rubbing his thumb around her sensitive nub in just the right way.

She needed no further encouragement, squeezing her climax around him. His name fell from her lips in a hoarse cry, gasping for breath as she felt him give way to his own pleasure. Her body, still thrumming and sensitive, slumped against his and their skin tones mingled against the cool leather of the sofa; his the color of mocha, hers a light peach tone.

Fred was gone, never to return, and that fact gnawed at him, made him want to cry like a little baby. But in Katie's arms, he could forget- at least for a little while.

Stephen Cornfoot/Cassandra Montgomery- Prompt: diamonds

Stephen's lip curled as he stood at the front of the bed, looking down on the vision of perfection that lay naked across the dark blue sheets. His eyes traveled from her dainty toes up to the long, smooth lines of her legs and acoss her flat stomach. They lingered over her high breasts, his lip curling into a distinctive smirk as her nipples hardened under his gaze.

His eyes then moved up to the diamond and emerald necklace fasted around her throat. It'd been his gift to her, a shiny homage to her House that had caught his eye and said- nay, demanded- that he give it to her.

He spared the bauble a second before his gaze rose to her face. She was staring back at him, her eyes dark with arousal and intensity, her lips red and parted, waiting for the touch of his own. Her long blonde hair formed a halo around her head, strewn out on his pillows, framing her face amongst the darkness of the bed.

She held her hand out to him, a small, seductive smile painting her own lips, and said, "Come to bed."

Three simple words, and he's powerless to resist her.

Justin Finch-Fletchley/Natalie McDonald- Prompt: teeth


He craves it, needs it as her lips slide from his to trail down his neck, lingering over the rabbiting pulse point at the hollow of his throat. A small groan escapes as he strains against the bonds on his wrists, holding him to the bed. His sudden need to be restrained had surprised even him, but with her, he finds he doesn't mind.

He trusts her with his life.

"Natalie," he pleads, letting his head fall back and exposing his neck to her wandering lips.

"Justin," she returns as her body slides against his, her lips curling up in a small smirk.

He whimpers softly, his hips rising off the bed. "Please," he hisses through his teeth as he strains against his bonds. Any way he can touch her is good in his eyes.

Her teeth sinking into his skin at the same moment he sinks into her, and his world goes sideways.

Stewart Ackerly/Katie Bell- Prompt: wedding

The room was quiet, the softly flickering candlelight casting shadows on the walls around them. Outside, waves crashed onto the shore and the soft tropical breeze flitted through the trees, the rustle of palm fronds adding to nature's natural symphony.

There's the soft rustle of silk as the white bridal gown slips off her shoulders and slithers to the floor. Blue eyes darkened, his body warming with desire at the sight of his wife- his wife- before him in nothing but silky white knickers and bra.

Then her name, nothing more than a heated whisper, but it's everything in that moment.


No longer are they content to look, not when the need to touch and be touched is overwhelming to them both. The sounds of silk ripping, belt dropping, buttons popping off his shirt litter the room in their hurry to be clothed in nothing but candlelight.

Breathy sighs and shuddering moans fill the air as they fall onto the bed, his large frame covering her petite one and pressing her into the mattress. His hands are rough, but thorough as they roam over her body, lingering over her proud breasts, then sliding down her taut stomach to the hidden place between her legs which makes her cry out in pleasure.

His name falls from her lips as he slides into her, her eyes widening and her breath hitching at the fantastic sensation of their bodies joining as one. Her body is warm and pliant, willing and wanting; he could spend days with her like this.

He begins to move, her inner muscles clenching at him and threatening to wrest his control from him. He groans as her sweat-slickened skin slides against his, her plump lips tracing over his throat, nibbling and sucking on the tender flesh there.

Then, almost too soon, she tightens around him, her body tensing for a split second before her back arches off the bed, signaling her climax. She's sobbing his name as she comes, clasping onto him and clenching and fluttering around him.

It's too much, and he lets himself fall apart inside of her with a long, contented groan.

After what seems like forever, he slips out of her and rolls to the side, gathering her still-trembling body into his arms and kissing her, softly, deeply, conveying everything with that simple action.

"I love you, Stewart," she whispers.

"I love you too, Mrs. Ackerly."

Ernie Macmillan/Lisa Turpin- Prompt: A War In Your Bedroom by A Change of Pace

Hot steam billowed out of the bathroom as Ernie slipped inside, already shedding his clothes. Through the fogged up glass, he could see the outline of Lisa's silhouette in the shower, unaware of his presence. She was naked, wet, and oh, so desirable.

He wanted her now.

Stealthily, he slipped into the shower and came up behind her, sliding his possessive hands over her wet, smooth body. "Evening, love," he murmured, catching her earlobe in his teeth before flicking his tongue over the smooth skin. His hands stroked her body gently, one hand splaying out over her flat stomach while the other cupped her heavy breast.

Lisa's lips curled as she instinctively pressed back against him. "Ernie," she murmured, head dropping back onto his shoulder as her lips found his neck. "Missed you."

"Missed you too," he whispered, dragging his lips across her skin. The hand that had been resting on her stomach slowly slid down between her legs, knowledgeable fingers parting her folds and slipping into her. He smirked to find she was already wet and wanting, ready for him. "Want you."

"Take me," she sighed, hips rolling against his teasing hand.

He snickered softly, rubbing his thumb across her hidden nub as his fingers dipped in and out of her. "Not yet," he said, "not yet. I want you to scream for me first."

"Ernie," she whimpered, "please."

As pleasureful as it would be to have her fall apart on his fingers, he was aching to be inside of her. Slipping his fingers out of her, his hands went to her hips and spun her to face him. Fingertips dug in as he lifted her, pushing her back against the cool tile of the wall and thrusting into her in one smooth motion.

Lisa's gasp quickly melded into a moan at the fantastic sensation of having him inside of her. Her nails raked a trail down his back as her legs locked around his waist, inner muscles squeezing tightly through his thrusts. Harder and harder, the sounds of skin slapping and panting, mixed with the steady stream of water, echoed throughout the glass enclosure as they both travelled higher and higher towards ecstasy.

"Scream for me," he rasped, "scream my name." As he spoke, one hand travelled between their bodies to rub furious, unrelenting circles around her tiny nub, loving the way she shuddered at his touch.

It was all she needed, his name falling from her lips in a hoarse cry as her climax crashed over her. She clenched tightly at him, her nails leaving angry red marks in his skin as she tried to pull him down with her.

His self-control snapped with her fluttering muscles, and he came inside her perfect both with a harsh groan. The water pounded down on his stinging back, but it was the perfect kind of pain. His lips sought out her own for a soft kiss, so unlike their lovemaking.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

Stephen Cornfoot/Cassandra Montgomery- Prompt: Nasty Naughty Boy by Christina Aguilera

Long blonde hair fell around Cassie's shoulders, cascading down her back and teasing the top of her lace-clad arse. Her blue eyes were wicked as they fixated onto her lover's own azure gaze, lips curling into a smirk as he strained against the ties she'd fixed to the bed posts. Already, his erection strained against the tight fabric of his denims, practically begging for her to surround it with her plump, pink lips.

"You've been a bad boy, Stephen," she murmured, her voice low and sultry as she removed one elbow length glove, letting the material dangle from her fingertips before it fell to the bed.

"Have I, now?" he queried huskily as the silk material drapped teasingly over his foot. "What, pray tell, have I done to be considered such a bad boy?"

"You," Cassie murmured, teasing him as her fingers went to the ties on her sheer neglige, "have been teasing me all day long. I've been thinking about you, wanting you since I woke up this morning." As she spoke, the long ribbons holding her lingerie up came untied and the sheer cover fell, bearing her naked body to his hungry gaze.

"Now," she said as she leaned over his body, nimble fingers going to the fastenings on his trousers, "how should I punish you?"

Adrian Pucey/Pansy Parkinson- Prompt: fallen angel

Fallen from grace. That's what the Prophet and scandal rags had said when Pansy had been sent to Azkaban after the war, an example of what happened to those who opposed the Ministry and the light. Did it matter that she hadn't committed any crimes? No. The Malfoys had been spoken for by Harry bloody Potter, so the sole surviving Parkinson was the next best option for the Ministry of Morons.

There's nothing angelic about her, though, as he rips off her loose dress and tosses it to the floor. She's too skinny, a by-product of her six months in prison, and her hair isn't quite as lustrous as it used to be. None of that matters, though, because she's warm and willing and wanton in his arms. When he shoves his hand between her legs, she mewls and arches against him in pleasure.

He has to stop himself from delving into his fantasies. He wants to watch her eyes widen in terror, to feel her hot crimson blood pour out of her body and over his hands. To feel her heart pounding in fear before it slowly ceases to beat altogether.

He rips off her knickers and shoves her to the ground, quickly following and covering her body with his. He takes her, hard against the carpet, reveling in the way she gasps and grasps at his body. Her nails ripping down his back is the sweetest feeling, and he returns the favor by biting at her neck, watching the porcelain white skin turn a harsh, angry red.

Their coupling is rough and is over far too soon, both of them coming in a frenzy of tangled limbs, moans and groans. In this moment, Adrian can see Pansy as an angel: fallen from Heaven to Hell and debauched by his killing hands.

Ernie Macmillan/Lisa Turpin- Prompt: pirates

"Lisa, sweetheart, is this really necessary?" Ernie asked as he eyed the flowing shirt distastefully. Merlin, it looked like something off the cover of one of Mandy's bodice rippers. "Why are we dressing up as pirates?"

"Because Noah has the cutest pirate outfit, and I think we should match him at the party," his wife called out from her large walk-in closet. "All the parents are dressing up. It'll be fun!"

"Define 'fun,'" he grumbled, still not convinced that this was his wife's best idea.

"The kind that you will be rewarded for later tonight," she said with an impish smile, striking her best 'come hither' pose in the doorway.

Ernie's jaw dropped. His wife looked mouthwatering in a black and gold pirate wench costume. The corset top pushed up and accentuated her ample bosom, and the tops of her breasts threatened to spill out.

"Merlin, Lise," he murmured, his trousers suddenly unbearably tight. "You are not wearing that to the primary school party." He'd have to kill anyone- adult or child- who laid eyes on his wife looking like that.

She laughed and crossed the room to straddle his lap. "No, I have a more appropriate outfit for the party. This little number is all for you."

He smirked as one hand gripped her fishnet-covered thigh, and he leaned into capture her lips with his in an intense kiss.

"I think," he murmured, rolling to press her into the mattress, "that we're going to be late to the party."

Cedric Diggory/Padma Patil- Prompt: Bubbly by Colbie Calliat

She never thought she'd find happiness, let alone with a dead man. Actually, it was probably more appropriate to refer to him as an 'undead' man.

Or maybe not. That made him sound like a zombie. And a zombie Cedric Diggory was not.

He made her smile. He made her laugh. He made her feel like it was possible to find someone who loved her for who she was, not for what she could bring to him- mostly fame and connections. He didn't care about all that. He cared about her.

It was ridiculous how much she laughed when she was with him. Just thinking about him could bring a smile to her face during the most stressful of days. His gravity-defying hair, his smile, his hands, what he could do with those hands...

On the rarest of occasions, he could convince her to skive off work. While the rain poured down outside, his lips trailed down her body and overwhelmed her with the most delicious of sensations. When he brought her to orgasm, the pleasure radiated out from her toes and washed over her as she called his name.

Over the years, she'd met men, but none of them like him. He was different. For the first time in a long time, she felt safe with him.

Stewart Ackerly/Katie Bell- Prompt: office smuts

Every muscle in her body ached as Katie shut the door to her office behind her, tossing her kit onto a nearby chair and shedding her captain's robes. It'd been a long, rough training session, and she'd pushed the team to the limit, both physically and mentally. They'd trugged off towards the showers, their robes soaked with rain and sweat.

As she turned towards her desk, she froze before her lips curled into a smirk. "Get your boots off my desk, Ackerly."

"Nice to see you too, sweetheart," he replied, raking his eyes over her wet, skin-tight trousers and jumper. "Have a good training session?"

She grunted affirmatively, crossing the dress and dropping down into his lap. "Was long," she murmured, nuzzling her boyfriend's neck happily.

Stewart's nose crinkled. "You're wet."

"Really?" she asked dryly. "Please, Sherlock, tell me something I don't know."


"Last time I checked, you liked my smart arse."

A smirk touched his lips as one hand slid to the arse in question. "Oh, I like it very much." Ducking his head down, he nosed at her cheek before his lips took hers.

One hand fisted in his warm dry jumper, pressing herself closer to him as she shifted in his lap. Her lips curled at his little groan, and she could feel just how much her movements were affecting him.

"Merlin, Kates," he growled, nipping at her lips. Mind made up, one hand slid all the debris from her desk, sending it to the floor with a clatter. His hands slid to her hips and hitched her up, splaying her out on her desk as his fingers went to the fastenings on her trousers.

"You're going to clean that up," she reminded him, one brow arched.

He stilled and gave her a significant look. "I'm about to ravish you on your desk, and you're complaining about some papers and quills?"

"Point taken. Continue with the ravishing, please."

He pushed her jumper up and pressed a kiss to the smooth skin of her flat stomach. "I think I will," he murmured, before sliding up and covering her body with his.

Blaise Zabini/Daphne Greengrass- Prompt: handcuffs

He comes to her under the cover of darkness, when the Dark Lord summons his faithful and she is left alone, the dutiful wife of a loyal Death Eater. Some nights they take it slow and savor, each touch and caress treasured and special.

Other nights, like tonight, it is a rush. Fabric rips and buttons fly in their haste to get to the skin underneath. His hands are dark against the pale white of her body, fingers gripping and leaving angry red marks in their wake. It makes his blood boil to see her, his fair English rose, chained to a man who could never give her what she wanted, what she deserved.

That wasn't to say he could; no, as her father had said on numerous occasions, Blaise Zabini was the bastard son of a no-good, goldigging whore; nowhere near good enough for his Daphne. And then he'd patted her on the head, as if she were one of his greyhounds.

She'd smiled and nodded, her face perfectly blank in a mask perfected over the years. It was necessary, with the company her family kept.

But tonight, her face isn't blank. Everything she feels rushes across it for him to see; her green eyes darken with desire when his body is bared before her, she gasps when he flicks his tongue across her nipple, and her eyes flutter shut when his hands dip down between her legs.

"Blaise," she moans his name like a prayer, and he is helpless to resist her. As the moonlight streams across the bedroom, their bodies join on the large sleigh bed. Hands wander and lips caress as they move together, twin moans falling from their lips.

All too soon it is over, and his climax follows hers. The way she shudders and claws at his back, ripping the skin in a passioned frenzy, is enough to make him want to stand up to the Dark Lord for her. But that would be a fool's mission, and a fool he is not.

So, until the day she is freed, he'll take these stolen moments with his Daphne, the only woman to ever hold any interest for him. To the world, she's Daphne Greengrass-Goyle, Death Eater wife and loyal to the Dark Lord.

But he knows that beneath the thinly veiled titles, she's his.

character: daphne greengrass, pairing: stephen/cassandra, pairing: blaise/daphne, character: justin finch-fletchley, character: cassandra montgomery, character: lee jordan, pairing: ernie/lisa, pairing: zacharias/natalie, character: zacharias smith, character: lisa turpin, character: pansy parkinson, character: stephen cornfoot, character: adrian pucey, pairing: stewart/katie, pairing: cedric/padma, character: katie bell, character: stewart ackerly, pairing: lee/katie, character: padma patil, character: ernie macmillan, character: natalie mcdonald, pairing: justin/natalie, character: cedric diggory, pairing: adrian/pansy, leigh!fic, community: hp_humpdrabbles, character: blaise zabini

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