Leigh!fic | Pure Like Peppermints (1/1) | Theodore Nott/Rose Weasley

Dec 17, 2015 21:59

Title: Pure Like Peppermints (1/1)
Author: Leigh, aka leigh_adams
Characters: Theodore Nott/Rose Weasley
Rating: R
Word Count: ~300
Summary: She was so fucking pure.
Author’s Notes: This was written for this week's posting at hp_humpdrabbles.

She was so fucking pure.

He couldn't help but think about how sweet it'd be to get beneath her robes. His hands itched to peel them away from her body, exposing her skin to his wandering gaze. Would she have a dusting of freckles over her chest -- he thought she might, judging from the smattering of pale dots on her slightly upturned nose. Or would her skin be pale and perfect. He almost hoped it was the latter; his fingers would leave marks more easily.

Watching during the staff meeting as she ran the nub of her quill over her pink lips, Theo nearly swore aloud. The girl had no idea what that sort of thing did to a man. It made him wonder what she'd taste like. He had a suspicion she tasted like candy canes, since he'd seen her sucking the peppermint sweet during the office Christmas party.

Would she run her tongue around him the same way she licked the sticky sweetness from her fingers?

How would she look, spread out over his desk? As soon as her robes were gone, he'd push the tight pencil skirt up over her hips to see what sort of knickers she wore. She seemed sensible, so they were likely cotton. (Unless one of her more knowledgeable cousins had talked her into lace or satin). Faced with such a bounty, what would he do first? Would he lick and tease her nipples, kissing them until the tips were puckered? Or would he press his fingers between her legs to see if she was as hot and wet there as he'd always hoped?

Theo groaned aloud at the mental image -- so much so that he nearly missed the knock on his office door. "What?"

The girl nearly jumped. "Mr. Nott, I'm so sorry to disturb you, but I've just these files..."

Fuck Merlin, but the sight of her in-person was so much better than any fantasies he entertained. "Of course, Rose, do come in." As she stepped into his office, a predatory smile made his lips curl. Almost as an afterthought, he added one more simple request.

"Please shut the door."

pairing: theodore/rose, character: theodore nott, fandom: harry potter, character: rose weasley, community: hp_humpdrabbles, leigh!fic

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