Leigh!fic- Sanctus Espiritus (1/1)- Jonathan, Katie and Lucas Bell

Mar 27, 2010 17:04

Title:Sanctus Espiritus (1/1)
Author: Leigh, aka leigh_adams
Characters: Jonathan, Katie and Lucas Bell
Rating: PG
Word count: 644
Summary: Before the Final Battle, the Bell siblings share a moment together.
Author's notes: This was posted months ago at pinksheep_wench . I'm just archiving my solo works here as well.

"Absolutely not, Mr. Bell!" Professor McGonagall said firmly. "You will follow the rest of your classmates to the train. Staying here is out of the question."

Lucas Bell didn't even have a chance to open his mouth in protest before Professor McGonagall strode off, intent on herding other underage students to safety. Red clouded his vision as a steady string of curse words escaped his mouth.

"Mum would hex you if she heard you talking like that," Katie said, grabbing his arm and tugging him into an alcove just outside of the Great Hall where their older brother Jonathan was waiting.

"What are you two doing here?" Lucas demanded, questioning eyes going from his brother to his sister, then back again.

"Making sure you get out of here before the battle," Katie said.

"Are you staying?" he queried.

"Of course we are," Jonathan spoke up.

"Then I want to, too!"

"Out of the question," his older brother said in his most authoritative voice.

"That's not fair!" Lucas protested loudly, his eyes wild with emotion. "If you're staying, I'm staying."

"Lucas," Katie said, grabbing his hand and holding it tightly, "you're only fourteen. It isn't safe for you here, and neither of us would be able to fight if we were worrying about you."

Lucas scoffed. "I can take care of myself, Katie."

"Be that as it may," Jonathan interjected, taking note of the last pajama-clad students straggling out of the Great Hall, "you're not staying here." He took the signet ring which had belonged to their father and touched his wand to it. The silver glowed a bright blue momentarily, then returned to its normal state. "The Portkey will take you the Manor in five minutes. Amy's waiting there with another Portkey, which will take the two of you to Mum and Ethan in Atlanta. Katie and I will join you as soon as it's over."

Lucas' lower lip started to tremble, and he furiously wiped at his eyes in an effort to ward back the tears. "You can't stay," he mumbled. "What if something happens to you? I... Mum can't lose you the way she lost Dad."

The tears were freely falling down Katie's face as she wrapped her arms around her little brother and held him tightly. "We'll be fine," she whispered, sniffing when she felt Jonathan's arms wrap around them as well. "You be strong for Mum, kay?"

He nodded and cleared his throat. "I, uh, love you, Kates."

"I love you too, Lukie," she replied, releasing him and taking a step back so that Jonathan could have a moment with their brother.

The Portkey glowed blue, and Lucas' eyes met his siblings, the tears freely falling down his face as it activated and their brother disappeared from the castle.

"Any way I could convince you...?"

"Not a chance in hell, brother mine," Katie replied, lacing her fingers through his. "Anthony couldn't convince me, and neither can you."

He merely nodded and squeezed her hand. After all his little sister had gone through, nearly dying last year and losing four months of her life because of it, he was amazed that it hadn't broken her. He should've known better, though. Katie had always been a feisty fighter, bouncing back from whatever challenges life threw at her with remarkable tenacity. "I love you, baby sister. Dad would be proud of you."

Katie's free hand quickly wiped away the tears that were falling again. She was still healing from the events surrounding her last year at Hogwarts- the family Healer had recommended anger management- and she'd be damned if she didn't step up to protect her friends and family. "I love you too, big brother."

Tomorrow was still uncertain, but they had each other and tonight. And with her brother by her side, Katie knew that they could defeat whatever foe they faced.

character: katie bell, character: lucas bell, character: jonathan bell, leigh!fic

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