Leigh!fic | When I Look At You (1/1) | Stephen Cornfoot/Cassandra Montgomery

Feb 10, 2012 23:26

Title: When I Look At You (1/1)
Author: Leigh, aka leigh_adams
Characters: Stephen Cornfoot/Cassandra Montgomery
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 300
Summary: Across a crowded room, her gaze met his.
Author’s Notes: Written for this week's posting at hp_humpdrabbles, dedicated to Kate.

Cassandra didn't deny it. She didn't try to hide the way her blue eyes lingered on the fit bloke across the bar, his dark shirt and denims casual yet obviously expensive. Her gaze was drawn to the way his long fingers held his whiskey, the curl to his lips when another girl tried to get him to flirt with her. Unsuccessful, her advances rebuffed, the other girl left to rejoin her girlfriends.

Would Cassie have more luck? Of course she would.

She wanted to feel those long fingers play against her skin, to let his stubble rub against her stomach as he kissed his way down her body. She wanted to feel him move inside her, to take her roughly and make her scream his name -- whatever it was. Just thinking about it made her tremble slightly, desire playing through her veins like the wine she'd been nursing for the past hour. She'd been watching him, waiting to make her move, fending off cheeey lines from the wrong guys until it was time.

Pushing off the bar, she slipped through the crowd until she was next to him. Her long blonde hair was tossed over her shoulder so she could give him a long lookover, her lips curling at the sight before her. He was just as fit up close as he was across the room.

“I’m Cassandra.” Her gaze was bright as she held out her hand. Her pulse quickened when he took her hand and brought it to his lips, lips lingering against her skin.

“Stephen,” he replied, tone a low rumble.

“Buy me a drink, Stephen?”

His lips curled. “How about a dance?”

She smirked, emboldened, and slipped her free hand over his shoulder. “That was what I really wanted.”

pairing: stephen/cassandra, community: hp_humpdrabbles, leigh!fic, character: cassandra montgomery, character: stephen cornfoot

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