Leigh!fic | Just A Kiss (1/1) | George Weasley/Gabrielle Delacour

Jan 22, 2012 21:23

Title: Just A Kiss (1/1)
Author: Leigh, aka leigh_adams
Characters: George Weasley/Gabrielle Delacour
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 385
Summary: It was just a kiss. Sweet, simple, innocent.
Author’s Notes: Written for this week's posting at hp_humpdrabbles using the song "Just A Kiss" by Lady Antebellum as the prompt.

It was just a kiss. Simple, sweet, innocent.

But in the moonlight, it sparked something. Long dormant feelings within George rose to the forefront, making it hard to remember why he’d waited so long to wrap his arms around this woman and hold her tight. He couldn’t remember that last time he’d let someone in -- Angelina? -- but with one touch of her hand, Gabrielle could bring his walls crumbling down.

Hands gripped her slim waist, spinning her around to pin her against the trunk of the willow tree behind him. His lips curled at the soft gasp that slipped her lips, a low groan passing his own when she slipped one long leg around his. The tip of her high heel passed over the inside of his calf, and he couldn’t help but shudder.

Merlin, it’d been too long.

Gabrielle arched against him, searching for friction -- friction he was all-too-happy to provide as his grip on her hips tightened, pulling her hard against him. He could feel the way her body responded to him, and it was driving him mad. Pert breasts shifted against him, tight nipples pressing through her thin dress to tease him. There were a multitude of reasons he should have pulled away; she was nine years his junior, her sister was married to his brother, but none of them seemed to matter.

Because the woman clutching him to her was certainly not a little girl anymore.

He wanted to press her down into the soft grass, pull her dress over her head, and explore the soft skin hidden beneath. His hands ached to slide over her body and make her call his name. He wanted to mark her pale skin with his teeth, to suckle her breasts until she was writhed beneath him. And then, he wanted to draw her knickers down and fuck her.

He groaned against her mouth. No. He couldn’t mess this up -- didn’t want to push too far.

But when she pulled away from his kiss, a seductive smile lighting her face as she pulled him down to the earth with her, those reasons flew out the window.

It was just a kiss. But in the end, there was nothing innocent about it.

character: george weasley, pairing: george/gabrielle, community: hp_humpdrabbles, leigh!fic, character: gabrielle delacour

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