Leigh!fic | Keeping Secrets (1/1) | Harry Potter/Pansy Parkinson

Dec 04, 2011 13:36

Title: Keeping Secrets (1/1)
Author: Leigh, aka leigh_adams
Characters: Harry Potter/Pansy Parkinson
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100
Summary: Pansy is a mystery -- one Harry doesn't mind trying to solve.
Author’s Notes: Written for last week's posting at hp_humpdrabbles.


They were Pansy’s calling card. She was a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma, keeping her cards close to her chest. At times it intrigued him, and at other times, it drove him mad. Harry liked to think himself a simple man, and Pansy Parkinson was anything but simple.

He knew what the others thought; that it would never work, the Boy Who Lived and the Slytherin Ice Queen. And maybe it wouldn’t in the long run, but he didn’t think about that. When she was naked beneath him, trembling and gasping as he drove into her over and over again-- that was all that mattered.

pairing: harry/pansy, character: harry potter, community: hp_humpdrabbles, character: pansy parkinson, leigh!fic

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